Thursday, May 26, 2011
Begin Again
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
What are you waiting for?
It says it like this in Deuteronomy 1:8 K.J.V. Behold, I have set the land before you: go in and possess the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give unto them and to their seed after them.
2. Continue to possess the land in its entirety. We have not arrived. There much more territory to possess.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
How to Stay in your Lane.
When a race begins each runner is given a lane. No matter what if the runner crosses into the other lane, they are disqualified. This is the same for us. God has given us each a lane. The lane is what God has purposed in our life. This race the race of our life. Not to compete against each other, but to complete what the Lord has called us to do.
Paul said at the end of his life. I have run My race. He stayed in his lane and did not cross over. He was willing to fight the good fight of faith and not entangle with non-essitials in life. He was willing to create a revolution and do his creative best that God had given him.
Joel 2:7 and they did not brake rank. They all stayed in their lane. You are the only one that can run in that lane. There have been others that have run before you, but you are now the only one running in that lane.
I want to encourage you to run your race. Don’t look at other ministries, or families, or business and say “Man if I had that I could”, no God has the lane for you to run. That is why Hebrews 12:1 tells us to strip down and throw aside every un nessacary weight. It could be low-self esteem, high self esteem, pride, arrogance. Maybe you have been taken advantage of or regret some choices made. Whatever it might be, throw it to the side and run the Race and stay in your lane that God has for you.
So at the end you can say like Paul I have run My race and now is laid up for me a crown of jewels.
Pastor Mark
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Purpose in your Pain

In life we experience seasons. Some seasons seem to have more obstacles then we would care to take on. Living in faith can be a challenge when we are experiencing stress, struggle and strain on different levels. Today, I want to encourage you to redefine life. L.I.F.E stands for living in faith every day.
Choose to begin again and dream again. I know it is not easy; but it’s possible. The bible teaches us that with God all things are possible. You see, God is the president and CEO of the universe. He knows the ending from the beginning. When we look to Him, we can begin to see what He has purposed for our life.
I don’t know your pain and all you have had to walk through. I do know a God who can take our tragedy and use it for a strategy; a setback for a set up. It’s in our pain that purpose can be formed. When King David took office, The Lord gave him favor and took the amalgamation of his life experiences and mixed it together for his good. No matter what you have experienced or what you are currently walking through, be encouraged. God is working things out and can use this pain by turning it into purpose for our life if we give it to Him.
Start your comeback today!
Pastor Mark