Friday, July 29, 2011

When Faith Makes Sense

When things are going well or are not too far off base, it can seem easier to have faith. Maybe it is because your faith isn’t being stretched, it is still in a comfortable zone, not requiring too much. Or possibly, it’s because you simply are still relying on natural factors to resolve the issues vs. supernatural intervention.

Some people think faith is a crutch or something tricky and it doesn’t really make sense. They don’t always understand it and can’t seem to grasp how to stand in faith when the world around them is falling apart.

Let me clarify that faith is an action. Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Faith is not foolishness or presumption, but rather believing and trusting at the same time.

Once you understand that about faith, the next thing you need to check is who or what you are having faith in. Are you having faith in your career vs. having faith in God that opens doors no man can shut and shuts doors no man can open? In life we can experience “faith failure” because our trust and belief was not in the right place to start with. Then we proceed to not understand, blame God and the list goes on. So today, I invite you to have faith for whatever situation you are facing. Faith in God, that He will turn the situation around and is in complete control. Don’t allow yourself to get overwhelmed, walking through the week in fear or with anxiety but rather do your part, which is what we call the natural, and allow God to do the providential. Activate your faith!

Praying for your success,

Pastor Mark

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Present verses future

Occupy, Reign, Rule, takeover - these words speak about planning and structure. It's important to gather, plan, and build or rebuild what has been destroyed. God deals with us about plans and structure.

Even the anointing needs a structure to rest on. If we do not have a structure, then we are missing points.

Here are some points about creating a plan and structure for where you are going.

1. Jesus would at times talk with His disciples and give them insight on His mission here on earth. He would say they will destroy this temple, but in three days it will be built again. He of course was talking about the death, burial, and Resurrection. We must take time and speak what the vision is while creating a plan to accomplish it.

2. Plans are guide rails to steer me and keep me on focus. The more focus I am, the better I am able to deliver what God has spoken. Abraham prophesied that God would provide and He did. He didn't know how, but knew God has able and would come through for him.

3. Refuse to look back Fight the good fight of faith. Refute the enemies words, thoughts, and your emotions with the Word of God. God will do His part and it will come to pass.


Pastor Mark

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Promotion Comes from the Lord

Promotion is something that most people work hard to do. Whether it is a position at work, in your spiritual walk with God, He is always at work. God placed a desire in us to desire better. This desire can be altered by our view point of how to acquire what we desire.

The question comes into play how? Why? and many other questions. But the bible is very clear about the way to achieve the promotion. It starts out by instructing us in the book of Psalm 75:6-7 6For promotion cometh neither from the East, nor from the West, nor from the South.7But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another. You see the promotion is ultimatly determined by God. You might say why would God give a position I have been working for to someone that is less qualified, or ungodly.

The reason is sometimes it's delayed, but it does not mean a denial. It could be God is setting you up for a better promotion and if you take this one it could alter what God desires for you to do. Also God is building you up. He is setting you and placing you for the right position for your life. Remember the foot steps of a good man or woman is ordered by the Lord. When we do our part, God will guide us by His Spirit to the place where there is abundance of peace, joy, love, and grace. He may lead you to a different place, but stay focus. Your promotion is coming from the Lord.

So what do I do in the mean time?

1. Continue to allow God to prepare you.
2. Stay Focused. A focused life is a life that is diciplend and is flixiable, teachable, and consitently ready to puresure God's will in every area of there life.
3. Refuse to allow anything or anyone to distract you from all that God has for you.
4. Relax. God has it in control.


Pastor Mark

Our perception in life will be a direct reflection of where and how we achieve in it. When God places you somewhere God has a perspective on that area. God will never dilute or change what He expects.