Failure is not final. You might say, “How’s that possible?” You see failure is an opportunity for God to show forth His power. The bible tells us of a man named Gideon. Gideon had faced tremendous failure in his life. In fact, when God came to him, he was working in the bottom of a winepress threshing wheat. The reason was, at that time the enemy would come and take all their provisions if they saw them. It would seem as though the enemy had won. But God addressed him saying “Mighty hero” and Gideon responded, “I am not a mighty hero.” Gideon was not in denial, he had faced failure, but God was speaking to him letting him know failure is not final.
Many times we go through life and are faced with failure. Whether it’s in our marriage, career, family and we settle; placing a period where it might not necessarily belong. I want to encourage you failure is not final. God can take any circumstance and have a strategic rebound. When King David in the Bible sinned against God and had an affair, he did not say Oh well it’s over, no he ask God to forgive him. That is a huge deal. Moral failure is destructive, tears apart hearts, families, not something to take lightly. God forgave him and allowed David to still be king. David is proof; failure is not final. Maybe you messed up today or yesterday. Remember, failure is not final.
So, if you have had any failure, (which every successful person has), don’t allow it to be final, instead use it as place of learning and the wind to propel you into your destiny in Christ. It’s not over! No matter how bad it is, failure is not final. Today, take the step toward God’s strategic and didactic plan for a supernatural resilience because failure is not final!
Pastor Mark