Friday, May 29, 2009


Wow, another work week almost behind us and the best is yet to come. I pray is planing to come to Breath Of Life Worship Centre´ this weekend. If you are not in the area, plan to go to church somewhere. 

I wanted to talk today about being energized. Today, we have all kinds of power drinks. These drinks give us more energy. The bible states in John 10:10 (K.J.V.) The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have Life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

The word life here is the word Zoe, it's the type of life that is constantly energized by an inner source. That source is Jesus Christ. When we accepted Jesus into our heart, He released into our Spirit a super natural Energy that can face life's victories and problems without getting drained. Now our natural body needs rest, but are spirit is always willing. It's always willing to tap into the Zoe power from within. 

But if we are negative, and begin to look at situations through our own eyes, then all we see is defeat, but if we tap into the Zoe power and see life the way Jesus sees it, there is nothing impossible for Him to do in our life. He gives us the power to get. To get whatever you and I want or need. So, Today tap into the Zoe life and see the energy be released.

God Bless,

Pastor Mark

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Wow! What an awesome Service we had this Sunday. I pray every one had a relaxing and refreshing Memorial Day. I relaxed with my family. It was a much needed break. 

Don't forget one week from this Wednesday we have our first Life group/bible study on June 3rd, 2009 @ 7:30 P.M. More information will be given this week.

I wanted to talk to you about Holiness. It's a word that most people avoid, or don't understand. Holiness is not just an action, but a state of being. The bible states in Genesis 15:6 (King James Version)And he ( Abraham) believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness.
Righteousness is simply being right in the eyes of God. This brings God's holiness into our life. 

By ourselves we are not able to obtain the holiness of God. He is the one that keeps, surrounds, and protects us from that which is opposite and against His will. Abraham believed in the Lord and His faith in Him was counted as the righteousness of God. This brought God's holiness into His life. 

Isaiah 64:6 (King James Version)But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.

Without His righteousness, we are not able to obtain the abundant side of life. Today, take time and allow His righteousness to be in you. You do this by allowing Him (God) to touch areas that would hinder you and me from living life to the fullest. His will and delight is that we eat the good of the land. 

You and I were born to live as Champions, but without His holiness operating in our life, we will fall short.

Live like a Champion and allow His holiness to reside in you. 

God Bless,


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Work vs. Worship

It's Wednesday and we are half we through the work week. What an awesome week it has been so far, the best is yet to come. I know with God all things are possible. I quote this allot, because if we really believe with God all things are possible, there would not be anything that would stand in the way of accomplish and reaching our full potential in life. 

Two weeks from today we have our first Wednesday bible study. You don't wont to miss it, bring someone. It's starts at 7:30 pm

Today I wanted to talk to you about Work vs. Worship. 

Luke 10:40-43 (King James Version)

 40But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me.

 41And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things:

 42But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

Here we see a woman by the name of Martha, she was more concerned about working, then spending time to develop her spiritual makeup. You see in life, work will always be there, but it's what you invest in yourself that will make you more productive in life. 

Martha thought working and preparing the lunch and setting all the silverware out was more important than allowing her soul- which is made up of our mind, will, and emotions to be renewed and developed. 

1. Take time to spend in reading the Word.

2. Don't allow the work you have to consume your life to the place all you see when people come in contact with you is more work.

3. Don't complain about what you tolerate. Martha was complaining about something that she was tolerating, and that was selfishness. She wanted Mary to do what she was doing. Make sure that we are not complain about things in our life we are tolerating. 

God Bless,


Monday, May 18, 2009

Work It

Wow! What an awesome Service we had. God continues to move us to the place where He said is the abundant side of life. I taught this past Sunday, about Living Life the Way Jesus Did. If we are to live life to the fullest in every area of our life; then there is a pattern, strategy, and method Jesus used and we are to use too.

I want to talk to you about faith with works.

James 2:18 (King James Version)

18Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

Here in James, James was talking about faith with works. Many people have faith, but never exercise their faith. Faith doesn't only speak, faith is the gasoline that allows us to continue in life. It's faith when you start a business in an economy like this. It's faith with works when you give your tithes and offering juxtapose to what every one is saying. It's faith with works when you say I forgive you to those who have wronged you. It's faith with works when you tell your spouse I love you and desire to work out your marriage- instead of giving up.

It's Faith with works when you don't feel like going to church and sleeping, in but still go. It's faith with works when you complement your co-worker who completely hates your guts. It's Faith with works when you get up every morning and pray to God and allow Him to speak to you.

You see Faith without works is what is called dead faith. It's gasoline that is unused. Use your faith today and see it work for you.

God Bless,


Friday, May 15, 2009

Growth Connection

TGIF -Thank God its Friday. The reason Christians say this is because Sunday is coming. Yes, I can't wait till Sunday. God is so good. I pray all had an awesome week and if you didn't, then come to Sunday Service and you will have an awesome week next week. 

I wanted to talk to you about growth connection.
The bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 3:6 (King James Version) Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

In life there are three types of people.
1. Man Made. - These are people that move on the influence of other people around them. They are always allowing other people to influence them to do things. These people always ask you what did you pay for that. I want that. They never really want to pay the price for anything. 

2. Self Made- These are people who depend on no one but there own self. They always say the burden always rest on me. No one around this office ever does anything. Some people that have economically succeed into the millionaire spectrum will say I am self made million. The fact is not true. No one is able to accomplish anything outside the principles, patterns, and precepts in the word of God. A person might not know Jesus as there personal Savior, but every one that is successful in there area of expertise has used the principles, and patterns in the word of God to succeed. 

3. God Made. This person has allowed God to cultivate them. They had been through the waves and tosses of life, but have not neglected God in any way. They say as it states in 1 Peter 5:10 (New International Version)

 10And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.

This person knows how to count the cost and pay whatever the price. They are willing to give God all the glory. Yes they worked hard and yes the invested and were at the right place at the right time, with the right people, but they we made to be able to keep what God had invested in them.

-One of the worst things that can ever happen to an individual is that there success proceeds there development of there character.

God Bless, 

Pastor Mark

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Principle vs Person

It's Wednesday and only 2 more days to go. I wanted to encourage you to continue and fight the good fight of faith.

Isaiah 1:19 (King James Version) If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:

I love to eat food that is made from scratch. Not some store bought product. Although some are pretty good. Here God is telling us about the principle of obtaining what good is in this land. This means houses, cars, vacations, etc... But then He tells us about the person which is Jesus Christ. 

Notice it states if you are willing and obedient. The willingness comes from us submitting to the person of our faith Jesus Christ. I Peter 5:6 states if we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God, then He will exalt, promote, and bring us the good of the land. Willingness is the first part, then there's  the obedience. Obedience comes from a life that has submitted to Christ in every area of our life. This requires daily, maybe hourly reevaluate our conversations, actions, and thoughts. 

When we submit to the person of our Faith Jesus, then we will obtain the good in the land. 

God Bless,

Pastor Mark 

Monday, May 11, 2009


Wow! What an awesome Mother's Day service we had. If you missed the message, go back and hear it on our website. 
Romans 13:7 (King James Version)Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.

The bible instructs us to honor those that have invested into our lives in some form or fashion. We honored our mothers yesterday, and every day we should honor God. Honoring God by spending time with Him. This allows God to bring us under His subjection and into His plan, purpose, and destination. When we do this, it is then the bible states in I Peter 5:6 exalt us or bring promotion into our lives. 

Today, honor someone that has invested into your life in someway. It might just be a word of thanks or buying them lunch. And honor God by living our life daily for Him. 

God Bless,

Pastor Mark 

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Never look Back

Today was National Day of Prayer and We participated with the one held here in Cedar Park, TX. I encourage everyone to continue to keep our nation in prayer.

1 Timothy 6:12 (King James Version)

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, where unto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

You know if you never do your part, you will never feel apart. Many people never commit to what God has spoken to do because of many different reasons. If may be that you have been burned out with false hopes that someone else promised and it never came to pass. Or maybe lies that told you that you never will be successful in that area of your life that seems to hold you back. I want to encourage you to never look back, put do your part, so that you will feel apart. If it is connecting to a local body. If it is saying Yes to My Righteous Cause. Maybe it is with your family. We must fight the good fight of faith and you will see what God has promised you come to pass. With God nothing is impossible. Mark 9:23

This weekend is mothers day, let your mother, wife of your children know how much you appreciate her.

Don't forget this Sunday Service. You will not want to miss it.

God Bless,

Pastor Mark

Monday, May 4, 2009

What are you? Partner, Pirate, Parasite

What an awesome service we had! Yesterday was BOLWC first membership class. If you missed it and were unable to attend due to circumstances, we will be having another class later on. 

Our 9:30 am service was powerful. You can view it here. God is doing some powerful things at BOLWC.

I want to talk to you about three P's
Only you can answer this question.
What are you?

1. A Partner-  contribute equally into a common desire or goal.  
Philippians 4:15-17 (New Living Translation)

15 As you know, you Philippians were the only ones who gave me financial help when I first brought you the Good News and then traveled on from Macedonia. No other church did this. 16 Even when I was in Thessalonian you sent help more than once. 17 I don’t say this because I want a gift from you. Rather, I want you to receive a reward for your kindness.

Paul was telling the people of Thessalonian how they have contributed to Paul's work. They were partners with him. 

Partners work together, not against each other. Many times spouses are not partners, but they end up enemies. God's desire is that we partner with Him in every area of our life. Partners count the cost and pay whatever the price. They see the vision and know the strategy may change, but the vision does not.  Are you a partner at work or do you put your employer down? Are you a partner with the development and growth of your children or do you put them down, tell them to get out of here and never participate in their life? Do you constantly talk about you friends behind there back and never say an encouraging word? Do you tithe to your church and give offerings, or do you rob God like a Pirate?

2.Pirates-take what doesn’t belong to them.

People that are pirates are people that don't care about anything but themselves. These are like women that go after men that are married and try to take him from his wife. These are people who instead of paying what they owe on there taxes lie so that don't have to pay in. These are people who come to church and week after week, never commit to serving or giving there tithes and offerings. No they simple take what others have sacrificed for. These are people in the work place that take all the credit for work they never did. These are bosses that never appreciate there employees. These are spouses that have to wear the latest clothes and so they buy it, while the other spouse and children are in lack, so that they can maintain a certain image. These are friends that always want you to pay for their meal, then constantly are taking ideas, sayings, even friends away from you. These are people who always take advantage of other people, not knowing if they commit to partner with others, they would achieve the same success. 

3.Parasites-latch onto a living organ or host and suck up the life of the organ.  They subtract from the church and like to suck the life out of it and those around them. 

These are people that constantly borrow and never return or give back. These are co-workers that say they will commit, but never commit. They don't count the cost, and pay whatever the price like partners do, no they simply sit there and suck everything dry. These are friends when you leave them you feel drained, exhausted and ready to take a nap. These are people in the church that subtract from a church by always complaining on what they think the church should be doing. Always have ideas and let every one else to the work, while they sit and receive the benefit of the work. These are spouses that ask the other spouse to do everything for them. If they have a child they always pond them off on the other spouse. They don't get up in the night to check on the baby when he or she cry. They will never do anything around the house. They always act like everything is a chore. They say statements like this: "If I don't get this, then I will never be happy." The reality is the never will be happy no matter what they acquire, because they have a parasite attitude. These are companies that work there employees tell the employee has nothing to give and then fire them so to hire someone fresh. These are church goes who never commit to membership, and always say "I am looking for the right church." The reality is they are not willing to partner with the vision of the house. Now, I know some people are looking, but Jesus found us. And if the church is the bride. The bible states He that findeth a wife findeth a good thing. Then why are you looking, as the bride, instead of allowing Him to find you. 

The question is who are you? You are either a partner, pirate, or a parasite.

I pray today if you are not a partner, then you will change you attitude and become one today.  

God Bless,

Pastor Mark