What an awesome service we had! Yesterday was BOLWC first membership class. If you missed it and were unable to attend due to circumstances, we will be having another class later on.
Our 9:30 am service was powerful. You can view it here. God is doing some powerful things at BOLWC.
I want to talk to you about three P's
Only you can answer this question.
What are you?

1. A Partner- contribute equally into a common desire or goal.
Philippians 4:15-17 (New Living Translation)
15 As you know, you Philippians were the only ones who gave me financial help when I first brought you the Good News and then traveled on from Macedonia. No other church did this. 16 Even when I was in Thessalonian you sent help more than once. 17 I don’t say this because I want a gift from you. Rather, I want you to receive a reward for your kindness.
15 As you know, you Philippians were the only ones who gave me financial help when I first brought you the Good News and then traveled on from Macedonia. No other church did this. 16 Even when I was in Thessalonian you sent help more than once. 17 I don’t say this because I want a gift from you. Rather, I want you to receive a reward for your kindness.
Paul was telling the people of Thessalonian how they have contributed to Paul's work. They were partners with him.
Partners work together, not against each other. Many times spouses are not partners, but they end up enemies. God's desire is that we partner with Him in every area of our life. Partners count the cost and pay whatever the price. They see the vision and know the strategy may change, but the vision does not. Are you a partner at work or do you put your employer down? Are you a partner with the development and growth of your children or do you put them down, tell them to get out of here and never participate in their life? Do you constantly talk about you friends behind there back and never say an encouraging word? Do you tithe to your church and give offerings, or do you rob God like a Pirate?

2.Pirates-take what doesn’t belong to them.
People that are pirates are people that don't care about anything but themselves. These are like women that go after men that are married and try to take him from his wife. These are people who instead of paying what they owe on there taxes lie so that don't have to pay in. These are people who come to church and week after week, never commit to serving or giving there tithes and offerings. No they simple take what others have sacrificed for. These are people in the work place that take all the credit for work they never did. These are bosses that never appreciate there employees. These are spouses that have to wear the latest clothes and so they buy it, while the other spouse and children are in lack, so that they can maintain a certain image. These are friends that always want you to pay for their meal, then constantly are taking ideas, sayings, even friends away from you. These are people who always take advantage of other people, not knowing if they commit to partner with others, they would achieve the same success.

3.Parasites-latch onto a living organ or host and suck up the life of the organ. They subtract from the church and like to suck the life out of it and those around them.
These are people that constantly borrow and never return or give back. These are co-workers that say they will commit, but never commit. They don't count the cost, and pay whatever the price like partners do, no they simply sit there and suck everything dry. These are friends when you leave them you feel drained, exhausted and ready to take a nap. These are people in the church that subtract from a church by always complaining on what they think the church should be doing. Always have ideas and let every one else to the work, while they sit and receive the benefit of the work. These are spouses that ask the other spouse to do everything for them. If they have a child they always pond them off on the other spouse. They don't get up in the night to check on the baby when he or she cry. They will never do anything around the house. They always act like everything is a chore. They say statements like this: "If I don't get this, then I will never be happy." The reality is the never will be happy no matter what they acquire, because they have a parasite attitude. These are companies that work there employees tell the employee has nothing to give and then fire them so to hire someone fresh. These are church goes who never commit to membership, and always say "I am looking for the right church." The reality is they are not willing to partner with the vision of the house. Now, I know some people are looking, but Jesus found us. And if the church is the bride. The bible states He that findeth a wife findeth a good thing. Then why are you looking, as the bride, instead of allowing Him to find you.
The question is who are you? You are either a partner, pirate, or a parasite.
I pray today if you are not a partner, then you will change you attitude and become one today.
God Bless,
Pastor Mark
OOOOhhhhhhh Pastor Mark - GREAT BLOG!!!
ReplyDeletePartner, Pirate or Parasite (you should make it a series)
ReplyDeleteGreat Blog!
I think I hear a series coming :)
I am a partner serving alongside you and Pastor Veronica and I am willing to serve wholeheartedly and give of my time, talents, and treasures for the kingdom of God. Awesome blog Pastor!!