Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 I Am In

WoW! It's a New Year 2010. Happy New Year!!!!!

Have you made any plans yet? Do you want to succeed in every area of your life? Success is intentional, you have to do something to get somewhere.

I encourage you today to start this year by placing God first in your life. Start by going to Church if you have not gone. If you go to church start tithing and connecting to the leadership there. If you are a leader commit to lead by God's example of leading. If you are a pastor, commit to serving God like you have never served Him before.

This can be the greatest year yet, but it will depend upon what choice we make it. Make it count. God is counting on you just as much as you are counting on Him. He will never fail you. Today, take time and write down a vision. Go to www.2010IAMIN.ORG. We have resources for you don't' be left behind, take ownership of 2010. Your best life is still ahead of you.

Bless you,

Pastor Mark

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