Friday, February 25, 2011

Letting go of Regret

If you have ever had anything happen to you in life, you can build an attitude of regret. This one word, "Regret," can cause someone to miss out on all that God has for them. One can think "if I only had done that then, I would not be in this boat now." It could be true, but looking back and regretting is not God's will.

Jesus said to cast all your cares upon me. That even includes regret!!!

Here are some ways to over come regretting:

1. STOP dwelling on what could of and should of, but what God is speaking now.
2. There is a difference from what God has said and what God is saying. It's what He is saying is what we move on. What He has already said, will come to pass. But what he is saying is what He currently wants you and I to do.
3. Be willing to admit to God how you feel, then allow Him to heal your heart. He has the healing ointment to heal.
4. God knows how to redeem the time. He knows how to take the impossible situations and make them possible.
5. Know your Greatest days are still ahead. God believes in you.
6. Start believing in yourself.
He that began a good work will perform it... IT will come to pass.


Pastor Mark

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Forced to Release

I like what Job 8:7 tells us. It says "And though your beginning was small, yet your latter end would greatly increase." The bible goes on to say do not despise small beginnings.

It can be difficult in a world that is looking for instant success to allow ourselves to think because something or someone is not producing quick enough to stop. We have to be willing to go all the way to acquire all that God has.

I want to encourage you today to stay with it. Don't allow discouragement to set in. You could be one breath away from what God said is yours. Even Jesus at Gethsemane ask the cup to pass, but did not quit and drank it. Thank God He did not give up!

Remember one sign that you are almost there is the fact you want to give. You're destined to succeed. Don't underestimate God and His power in your life.

1. Be willing to go the extra mile. Nobody achieved anything without a fight. They had to go through to get through.
2. Rehearse what God has already said is yours.
3. Do not look and think it's too hard and too long. In Nehemiah, when the people began to rebuild the wall of the city, the people began to get discouraged. They did because they were all in one place, so Ezra told them to spread themselves out. They were able to build quicker and accomplished the goal.
4. Nothing with God is too hard.


Pastor Mark

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

For the Sake

Obedience can cause sacrifice. But the obedience you follow will bring unlimited dividends to your life. It's all for the Sake of the Gospel.

Here are a few points on For the sake of the Gospel:

1. Jesus is married to the Church. Period. He is the bridegroom and we are the bride. When we place this in our mind we then can place the projects in His hand and receive clear order.

2. The present day sacrifice will not go unrewarded. Hebrews 11:6 states he is rewarder of those who seek Him.

3. God applauds you and does not take it lightly what you are sacrificing.

4. Never look back. I Tim 5:17 Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.

5. What you are sacrificing for His sake, He will redeem the time.

All for the Sake of the Gospel


Pastor Mark


Distractions - they come in many forms. They cause frustration, irritation, take up time and sometimes money.

In today's world everything is vying for our attention. Twitter updates, Facebook feeds, meetings, calls, follow ups, daily business and the like.

How do you create down time to hear from your Maker? Remember that God requires alone time to feed your relationship. Put a hold on controllable distractions and unless the building is burning down let people know not to disturb you. Get your time in with the Father.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Consecration occurs when you are going to do something with purpose. For instance, an athlete will change his or her diet to reflect on where there going. They will have set routines added to their normal activity. The reason is they are consecrating themselves for event.

Consecration is not an isolation, but a separation. God separates us into His Kingdom and releases us back into the world not to be like it, but to show them the God we serve.

This is what consecration bring?

1. Healing. There are times we need to step aside and allow God to heal us.

2. A place of refreshing. Whenever you read about Jesus after a large meeting, He would go away by himself and refresh Himself. He showed us a pattern of consecration.

3. It causes us to have a clear focus on what He has called us to do.

4. It's where God's clear instructions comes from. When God told Moses to consecrate himself, for tomorrow He was going to speak to Him.


Pastor Mark

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

People of Purpose

It's very important to be persistent to what God desires for us to do. The bible is clear about being persistent in pursing Him. Matthew 6:33 tells us to seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added.

Jacob in the bible was a man that wrestled with God. He was willing to go all the way to acquire all that God had for Him. Elijah followed God to the place that the river which gave him water dried up. He knew God would provide for him and He did. Jesus went to the cross for our sins. He followed God all the way.

The question is, are you willing to do what it takes to follow God's purpose and plan for your life all the way? These people were people of purpose and destiny.

Pursing after God, will cause you to connect to people of purpose and destiny.

Here are some points on how to connect with people of destiny.

1. Never allow fear or intimidation to rule your life. Instead allow God to breathe His breath of purpose and destiny into your spirit.

2. Have God's favor released upon your life. When we seek first His kingdom, we are positioning ourselves for His favor.

3. Allow the Holy Spirit to connect you. Just by being around people of destiny and purpose, their spirit and faith will rub off on you.

4. Catch the next move of what He is saying by having an open heart to do His will.

5. You be you.


Pastor Mark

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. It's by faith we walk and it's by faith we see things. It's when faith makes sense we come to the acknowledgement of who He is.

His instructions are for our best interest. It's when an individual has a revelation of who they are, they begin to act differently, they watch where they go, not only to protect their reputation, but to make sure nothing will hinder them from pursuing their purpose in Christ.

Jesus said you have not because you ask not. If you ask you will receive. The reason an individual asks is because they have come to the acknowledgement of who He is. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above what we ask or imagine according to the power that works in us.

When faith makes sense to us is when we begin to act, communicate, respond, and make decisions based on what God has spoken for us to do without regretting. The reason is we have come to know who He is.

Don't place yourself in a box or refine to one criteria of doing what God has called you to do. Even if you have failed, or it seems as though it's not going the way you thought or prayed about, hold on. Keep the revelation of who He is and as you step out in faith on what He has spoken to do you will know God is there.


Pastor Mark

Monday, February 7, 2011

Positioned for Success

It can be easy to become discouraged when you are not seeing the progress needed to acquire what God has given you.

How do you stay encouraged and encourage others? First off, when you encourage each others, you build them up. At the same time you begin to build yourself up.

Here are some points on "How to stay encouraged and encourage others"

1. The bible instructs us we are not to be conformed into the image of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind. This means the only way I can encourage someone else is by renewing my mind with the Word of God. Find scriptures which encourage you and continue going. Like for example Mark 9:23 with God nothing is impossible.

2. The Law of Reciprocity-If you are feeling down, find someone to encourage and you will feel encouraged too. It's a fixed law what you sow or give you get back pressed down shaken together and running over.

3. Don't ever think a step back is a set back. Sometimes going back can get you farther than continuing where you are currently at.

4. We must not loose hope of what God has called us to do. He said with Him nothing is impossible. Nothing absolutely nothing is impossible.

Here are some people that doubted their doubts and believed what He had said would come to pass.

King David- He was back against a corner and no one was with him, but the bible states he encouraged himself in the Lord.

You- Yes you are an example of an encourager. When you read this you were encouraged, now go out and encourage others.


Pastor Mark

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Right Spot

In life we deal with all type of issues. Sometimes it is as simply as what to eat, what to wear etc. Then there are times when only God can expose and show one the right way. It's what I call finding the Right Spot.

God has the right spot for every season in our life. When Jacob in the bible was with his father-in-law God made the animals that he had to multiply. It was because Jacob was in the right spot. When you go to Starbucks they have a hot spot. This is where any one that comes in is able to connect to the Internet. It's when we obey God we arrive in the hot spot. People should want to listen and follow you and I because we are constantly in the Hot spot.

The question to day is are you in the Right or Hot Spot? Churches should be the Hot Spot. We should be able to connect people directly to God without any problems.

I encourage you today to get to the Right or Hot Spot in your life and when you leave, wi-fi yourself so that wherever you go you can connect to Him and show others how to connect to Him.


Pastor Mark

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Yes Lord

What if you came home and God told you that all you need to do to access all the He has is to follow me in every area of your life would you say "Yes Lord." God's promises for our life are predicated upon us saying "Yes Lord"

Let me explain it like this. A child is asked to pick up something, the child reply's why? instead of Yes Sir or Yes Mam. Because of what the child said, he or she has just placed a road block to them acquiring anything they would like to purchase or do at that moment. Now as soon as he or she is corrected and they complete the task, then are resumed into good standing.

So it is with us. When we tell God -Why me? What about them? we place road blocks from acquiring what He has desired for us. But as soon as we repent we resume into the place to receive what He has already said is ours. It's by His grace.

Here are some points to how to say "Yes Lord"

1. Condition your heart to yield to God. Yielding to God means you are willing "To Do" whatever the request is.
2. Never ever Say "No to God"
3. Position yourself by constantly avoiding the distraction that would hinder you from acquiring what God has already spoken. Positioned for good success.


Pastor Mark