Jesus said to cast all your cares upon me. That even includes regret!!!
Here are some ways to over come regretting:
1. STOP dwelling on what could of and should of, but what God is speaking now.
2. There is a difference from what God has said and what God is saying. It's what He is saying is what we move on. What He has already said, will come to pass. But what he is saying is what He currently wants you and I to do.
3. Be willing to admit to God how you feel, then allow Him to heal your heart. He has the healing ointment to heal.
4. God knows how to redeem the time. He knows how to take the impossible situations and make them possible.
5. Know your Greatest days are still ahead. God believes in you.
6. Start believing in yourself.
He that began a good work will perform it... IT will come to pass.
Pastor Mark
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