Tuesday, June 21, 2011


You have been gifted to live a life that is effective and changing the world. Don't let go of what God has said, instead speak what He has already spoken. Relax your best days are still ahead of you.

In the book Psalms chapter 91 verse 16 it tells us "with long life God will satisfy us." He is in the business of protecting us for life. He is our spiritual protector.

We can go aside from His protection by not following His lead. When someone comes onto you, don't allow yourself to get flattered, stop the feeling by refusing to allow it to seduce you. Walk away, call someone, but don't stay there. If you get temped to settle, or lie about a situation, refuse to move toward it, the reason is you are leading yourself outside God's protect.

1. Leaders lead with God's protection in every area of your life. The bible tells us in the Book of first John chapter 2 verse 27 the Holy Spirit will teach us all truths. It's the strategy to accomplish what God has spoken for us to do.

The strategy is the road map you and I need to define and accomplish the vision/goals in our life.

2. The strategy we use is not just about the end, but it is the means to the end.

3. The protection God has for each of us will allow us to move beyond our boundaries, but stay within His protection. It's not ignorance or foolishness, but faith in His plan.


Pastor Mark

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