Friday, August 19, 2011


The present invidious, will not compare to the supernatural that God will do. God has the efficacious to develop full potential in and through you. You have what it takes to accomplish all that God has placed in your heart.

God knows the right time. He is not infelicitous, but timely and knows exactly what to say and do for us.

In Exodus God used a shy, but strong in nature man to deliver Israel out of the Egyptian hand. God will use whoever desires for Him to use. No matter how much Moses was trained and educated in the Egyptian protocol, he was already taken by God. When we have a revelation we are already taken, no matter where we go, where we educate ourselves, who we thank we may want to become or marry, you are already taken. Before the foundation of the World God took you and planed out a coarse for your life.

Here are three points that will encourage you to know you are taken.

1. Before- This is a word that God is notorious about in letting us know before you arrived at where you are, God already had a plan and is directing your path. Jeremiah 29:11, Ephesians 1:4

2. For we know not- We might not know where to go or what to say, but God does and when we pray in the spirit, the Holy Spirit makes intercession on our behalf. Romans 8:26

3. Everything will work to your good. God has already repositioned you to accomplish what He has said is yours. When Abraham went to Egypt, he told his wife that he was going to tell them he was his sister. Technically she was his half sister. He did this because he thought the King would kill him and take his wife. So when they arrived and he said this is my sister, Sarah was taken to the King. But that night the King had a dream that God showed him she belonged to Abraham and not to touch her. The King did nothing wrong, but she was already taken. God interrupted the enemies plans and rescued her. She was let go and so was Abraham. So it is in our lives we are taken and God will interrupt the enemies plans if we allow Him.

So today, know that you are taken and be willing to block out the enemy and all that he has attempted and attempts to do.


Pastor Mark

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