Thursday, December 29, 2011


Reposition – Your best is yet to come

In a few days, it will be the New Year. Maybe this year has been a year of drought and frustration. On the contrary, maybe this is been one of the best years of your life. Either way, I want to talk to you today about repositioning. In the bible, there was a man by the name of Isaac. He was told by God to stay in the region he was in but there was a famine. Due to the famine in the land, it seemed to complicate things. How could God want him to stay where there was great lack and despair? In a quick answer, it was to accomplish the assignment God set out for his life. Looking from the outside in, it would appear like Isaac missed God; but he didn’t. You see, as you read the account of this portion of his life in Genesis 26, you learn that he had to reposition himself. When he did, the bible explains he was able to break through. Are you at a point in life where you a need a breakthrough? I encourage you to do what Isaac did and reposition yourself. Isaac repositioned himself, dug a well, and named it Rehoboth which means more than enough room.

The process was a challenge. However, once he repositioned, he was able to move forward and accomplish all that God had set out for his life. In Matthew 3:9 it tells us not to think of ourselves too highly and to place our focus on knowing Him; Jesus. God may be calling you today to reposition your attitude, relationships, career track, health focus or something of the like; only you know. Whatever it is, start today to reposition. The bible teaches us Isaac removed himself from the place where nothing was working, repositioned in the same country, different region.

God desires for our life to be fruitful, even in hard times, but it can only occur if we reposition ourselves and have our souls anchored on the rock of Christ Jesus. I want you to think about this as we approach this next year. Where you are at and where does God desires for you to be? Write it down. You might have to forgive someone, or forgive yourself. You may have to ask for someone to forgive you. Listen to that still small voice inside. Decide today, not to take the past into the future. Instead reposition, so that you can have the life God intended you to have! I am confident that 2012 is going to be an epic year, I declare God’s best over your life and hold onto the hope in your heart that the best is yet to come!


Pastor Mark

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