Monday, February 7, 2011

Positioned for Success

It can be easy to become discouraged when you are not seeing the progress needed to acquire what God has given you.

How do you stay encouraged and encourage others? First off, when you encourage each others, you build them up. At the same time you begin to build yourself up.

Here are some points on "How to stay encouraged and encourage others"

1. The bible instructs us we are not to be conformed into the image of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind. This means the only way I can encourage someone else is by renewing my mind with the Word of God. Find scriptures which encourage you and continue going. Like for example Mark 9:23 with God nothing is impossible.

2. The Law of Reciprocity-If you are feeling down, find someone to encourage and you will feel encouraged too. It's a fixed law what you sow or give you get back pressed down shaken together and running over.

3. Don't ever think a step back is a set back. Sometimes going back can get you farther than continuing where you are currently at.

4. We must not loose hope of what God has called us to do. He said with Him nothing is impossible. Nothing absolutely nothing is impossible.

Here are some people that doubted their doubts and believed what He had said would come to pass.

King David- He was back against a corner and no one was with him, but the bible states he encouraged himself in the Lord.

You- Yes you are an example of an encourager. When you read this you were encouraged, now go out and encourage others.


Pastor Mark

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