Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 I Am In

WoW! It's a New Year 2010. Happy New Year!!!!!

Have you made any plans yet? Do you want to succeed in every area of your life? Success is intentional, you have to do something to get somewhere.

I encourage you today to start this year by placing God first in your life. Start by going to Church if you have not gone. If you go to church start tithing and connecting to the leadership there. If you are a leader commit to lead by God's example of leading. If you are a pastor, commit to serving God like you have never served Him before.

This can be the greatest year yet, but it will depend upon what choice we make it. Make it count. God is counting on you just as much as you are counting on Him. He will never fail you. Today, take time and write down a vision. Go to www.2010IAMIN.ORG. We have resources for you don't' be left behind, take ownership of 2010. Your best life is still ahead of you.

Bless you,

Pastor Mark

Monday, December 21, 2009

Why I like Christmas

WOW! If you missed Sunday you will have to go back and view it.

Click Here.

Isaiah 9:6 K.J.V.

6For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

I love Christmas. I enjoy all the lights, Christmas parties and oh... gotta love those cookies. This can be the best time of year. They show great Christmas movies and spending quality time with the ones you love the most can't compare.

Today I want to encouarge you. Even if you haven’t had such a good year; maybe you didn't have the money to spend on gifts that you really wanted to get. Possibly, your loved ones are not able to be with you this week. I want you to focus on the "The reason for the season". Don't simply look at it as a time to give gifts. While that does make it beautiful, it's not the beauty of of Christmas. Maybe you are in a position, where money available is reserved for bills, food, clothing and other essentials. Instead of looking at it from a natural perspective I encourage you to focus on "the gift" of Jesus. He is the life giver, He will provide and all the gifts are opened He is the gift that remains.

Here are a few reasons I love Christmas

  1. I love to celebrate the birth of Jesus
  2. I love all the sweets and pastries that are made
  3. I love spending time, relaxing with my family - nothing like family time
  4. I love to see the festive light and decorations, resembling Christ being the light of the world
  5. I love Christmas Carols
  6. I love giving gifts: 1st the gift of Jesus 2nd gifts to each other

Comment back and let me know what your reason you like Christmas.

God Bless,

Pastor Mark

Monday, December 14, 2009

What about Me?

WOW! If you missed service go back and view it. Click here. Don’t forget our Christmas Eve Service. Click here for promo.

James 5:20 (The Message) 19-20 My dear friends, if you know people who have wandered off from God's truth, don't write them off; go after them. Get them back and you will have rescued precious lives from destruction and prevented an epidemic of wandering away from God.

Life can be selfish at times. Caring more about self than others. Looking out for the best interest, instead of looking out for God’s best interest.

Here in this passage, God is instructing us to look out for the interest of Him. To have compassion on those that have wondered from God's truth. Recently, we had a pro athletes, extra marital affairs exposed. It could be easy to point fingers, ridicule, talk about, laugh at, but I encourage every Christian to pray for him, his wife, children, their family, close friends and all impacted.

In our own, personal and private lives, who is it today that you have not reached out too. What do you need to do to show God’s love and mercy too? It might be to the one that has done you wrong or to someone who owes you money. Who ever, whatever it is, don’t write them off or think it will never change anything.

God cannot lie and what He has said, will come to pass.

God Bless,

Pastor Mark

Friday, December 11, 2009


WOW! What an Awesome Service we had on Sunday. If you missed it, click here to view.

Romans 4:21 (Amplified Bible)
Fully satisfied and assured that God was able and mighty to keep His word and to do what He had promised.

It’s only 15 days away from Christmas. WOW! Are you ready? I want to encourage you to stay focus on finishing the year strong. Don’t look back; your best days are still ahead of you.

This next year is going to be the greatest year of your life. Don’t go into this next year with the baggage of this year. When you’re shopping for Christmas gifts, thank God for blessing you to be a blessing to someone else.
Three ways to stay focused:

1. In our relationship with Christ - The Bible states we walk by faith not by sight.
2. With the vision and goals that God has placed in your heart - Don’t get discouraged, but be encouraged knowing that what He has promised He is able to perform.
3. With our attitude - Attitude reflects altitude. If our attitude is out of line, then we must reposition our attitude to line up with the greatness in us.

God Bless,

Pastor Mark

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Experience

WOW! What an Awesome Service we had on Sunday. If you missed it. Click here and view it.

Acts 2:41 (King James Version)

Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.

Church commitment and involvement is essential to the growth of your life and your family or future family. It’s when one’s commitment has been burned or violated that a person has a hard time committing.

The bible states people were added to the Church daily as the Lord saved them. They were willing to count the cost and pay whatever the price.

To Pastors
1. Don’t look at where you are at or those who don’t come. Remember God will add to the church. We do our part- Feed them and lead them.
2. Don’t look at the pocket book. God’s pocket book is a whole lot bigger. Teach, preach, and eat.

To everyone else get connected and STAY CONNECTED. It’s like working at a certain company and then leaving it every 6 months, your resume would look all chopped up. Commitment is essential for growth. You don’t stop when it’s going good, you continue to serve with your time, talents, treasures.

Tomorrow I will blog about what to do when your committed, but your commitment was violated.

Remember, what God has spoken will come to pass as long as you and I stay committed to Him and connected to leadership.

Our success in life is predicated upon our obedience of His Word.

God Bless,

Pastor Mark

Thursday, December 3, 2009

See, Hear, Taste, Smell, and Touch

Don’t miss this Sunday for your life. It’s going to be awesome. Click here for more information.

Proverbs 29:18 (King James Version)

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

Without a vision in our life, it is like driving blindfolded in a vehicle. Eventually you will crash. It’s the same with every area of our life. We must have a vision for our life, if we want to see good success.

Here are some practical insights.

1. Write the vision down. Habakkuk 2:1 tells us to write the vision down. If you don’t have one, get one and write it down. Write one down for every area of your life. Even if you had one and gave up on it, write it down again.

2. Study. II Timothy 2:15 tells us to study to show ourselves approved of God. After you write it down, ask the Lord for direction. If you want to be an archaeologist, then look into what it takes to do it. If you want a healthy family, open the word of God and allow God to start with you and then go from there.

3. Move forward. Faith without works is dead. After you have written the vision down, studied, then you must execute on how God has instructed you to do.

4. Allow Him to make it come to pass. He is the master at taking any situation and turning it for our good.

Remember without a vision the people perish. Whatever dream you have, with God nothing is impossible unto him that believes. Go after what God has placed in your heart and don’t give up until you see it. Vision stays the same, but strategies change.

God Bless,

Pastor Mark

Monday, November 30, 2009

Faithful in an Unfaithful World

WoW! What an awesome Service we had on Sunday. If you missed it go back and view it. Click here to view it. Don’t forget about Our Christmas Eve Service Don’t miss it. Mark your calendars.

1 Thessalonians 5:24 (King James Version)
24Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.

On Saturday November 28, 2009 my wife and I celebrated 11 years of marriage and counting. In a society where people are giving up on marriage, being unfaithful, I wanted to share with you some practical wisdom on how to have a thriving and successful marriage; no matter what life throws at you.

First off - marriage is work and fun. Living together without being married; is the pleasure of marriage without the work. The reason is there is no commitment. Marriage is commitment between you and your spouse and God. If you cannot commit to God, it’s going to be hard to commit to each other.

Commitment strands from being fully persuaded and trusting. Trusting comes from loving. You cannot truly love someone without trusting him or her. If you cannot trust the individual, you will not be able to truly love them. Most people cannot commit because they have had their trust violated, and so it’s hard for the individual to commit. They will commit only to a point. But without full commitment, you will never be able to have a thriving and successful marriage.

My wife and I do not argue, we simply have discussions; no, really, arguing leads to nothing more than confusion and disputes. Don’t debate everything, learn to work together and find each other’s strengths. The enemy will always show your partners weaknesses, but God will always expose the strengths and the potential he or she has in Christ. Never put your spouse down. No matter what he or she says. The bible states Satan is the accuser of the brethren. He goes around putting people down making them feel like a loser because he is one himself. Hebrews 10:25 states for us to encourage one another. When you encourage one another, you will see the strengths each one have; come out.

Men, take your wife on a date once a week, a minimum of once a month. Regardless of your schedules; make time for it. Let her know how much you love her. How you really feel about her. Women encourage your husband. Let him know that he is the superman in your life. When you encourage him and pump him up, there is nothing he will not do for you. Even when things are not going well for him, let him know you are for him and with him and that God is with him and for him. If you marriage is on the rocks, know that you can come to Jesus and He is the rock. Rest in him, lay your issues at His feet, ask him for answers, creative solutions.

Maybe you are at a point where your marriage has become almost “platonic”. Can that happen? Well platonic means to be intimate and affectionate but not sexual. When having kids, juggling your career, schedules, meetings, travel time, sometimes it feels like you have nothing left to give.

Revelations 2:4 shows us God telling Ephesus (the church) he knew their works and labor but one thing was missing and that was they left their first love. They needed to come back to God. Today take some time to evaluate where your love life is at between you and God and you and your spouse. If it is lacking decide today that you are making a come back. Change whatever you have to change in your schedule, create a new routine and work it in.

When we put God first in our life, we are able to trust that He is faithful. He can work out what seems to be broken and not going well. That includes a marriage.

Tomorrow I will continue this with Faithful in an Unfaithful World.

God Bless,

Pastor Mark

Monday, November 23, 2009


WOW what an Awesome Service! If you missed it. Click here to view it.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 (New Living Translation)

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

This week is Thanksgiving. What is thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is giving thanks. Giving thanks in every area of our lives.

When we begin to thank God, He redirects us and points us into the right direction.

I encourage you today to take the time and write down 10 things that you are thankful for. You cannot stay ungrateful, when you begin to thank God.

God Bless,

Pastor Mark

Friday, November 20, 2009


WOW what an awesome week we have had so far. We have a new radio program. It’s called Breath Of Life Morning Show with the Pastors. M-F. 7am -9am. Click here for more information.

Isaiah 1:19 (King James Version)
If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
When a team forfeits a game, they loose, even though they never played the game. We can forfeit things in our life because we are unwilling to follow through in every thing God speaks.

We have to be willing and obedient. You might say is there a difference? Yes! You can be obedient, but not willing to do what you are obedient in. Example, you may tell a child to take out the trash. They know if they do not obey they will suffer the consequences of their disobedience. Even though they obey, they are not willing to do it. Willingness deals with the heart. If your heart is not in it, then you are simply going through the motions.

Make sure your not going through the motions. Take a self-evaluation so that you will not forfeit what God has planed for your life. Face what it is that would cause you not to be willing and obedient. Is it pride, fear, doubt, selfishness, insecurity, failure, the list can go on and on. Give what you have faced to God and begin to replace it with the Word of God by speaking what He has spoken in His word. Moses forfeited the promise land because of his disobedience, and His unwillingness to completely follow through on everything God had instructed him to do. Partial obedience is still disobedience.

Today, don’t forfeit everything you have worked for just because you think you have arrived or what you have not seen yet come to pass.

Remember, What God has promised will come to pass as long as we continue and not forfeit what He has spoken in our lives.

God Bless,

Pastor Mark

Monday, November 16, 2009


WOW what an awesome service! if you missed it, click here to view it.
We have a new radio program that started last week. It’s called Wake up with the Pastors. M-F. 7am -9am. Click here for more information.

Matthew 4:1 (King James Version)

Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.

There is a difference between being led and being pushed. God will always lead you to where you need to go and see good success. Our flesh will push us to where we think we want to go, but in destruction.

Jesus was led of the Spirit into the wilderness. This is where Jesus was placed by God to be tempted and overcome. The Holy Spirit led Him there and He will also lead us. The good news is just as He over came, so will you and I.

This process is unavoidable. He knew the best was yet to come. He had to face it, trace it, erase it and replace it with the Word of God. He knew going into the fight, that it was fixed. As long as He spoke the Word, He would come out winning.

Today, the Holy Spirit will lead you and guide you and I to the place where God can make us. Make us able to withstand all that the enemy has been prevailing. It might be a negative attitude. Maybe it’s over eating, being prideful, or maybe it’s just the lack there of. Whatever it might be, know just as Jesus was tempted and led of the Spirit into the wilderness and over come, so will you and I over come and come out ahead.

You have what it takes, not just to survive, but also to thrive in life.

God Bless,

Pastor Mark

Friday, November 13, 2009

Who's That

Wow what an awesome service we had this past Sunday. If you missed it, click here to view it. If you missed Friday November 6, 2009, then click here for highlights.

We have a new radio program that started this week, It’s called Wake up with the Pastors M-F. 7am -9am. Click here for more information.

Judges 6:12 (New Living Translation)

The angel of the Lord appeared to him and said, “Mighty hero, the Lord is with you!”

Have you ever told a child to do something, and they looked at you like you were crazy? They have not discovered they have the ability to do it, but they just need someone to pull it out.

God is saying to you today, “You mighty hero, God is with you!” I want you to think about that. If you know that you are a hero and God is with you, nothing anybody or anything does to you will cause you to loose focus on what God has spoken to you. I want you to say it, I am a mighty hero, and God is with me, for me, and not against me.

No matter where you are in life, nothing is impossible for God to do in your life. He is with you, for you, and not against you.

Today, know that you are a mighty hero and God is with you. Go and accomplish everything God has spoken for you to do. There are more with you, then against you.

God Bless,

Pastor Mark

Monday, November 9, 2009

Growth Connection Factor

WOW what an Awesome Service if you missed it click here to view it. If you missed Friday November 6, 2009 then click here for highlights.

We have a new radio program that started this week. It’s called Wake up with the Pastors. M-F. 7am -9am. Click here for more information.

Ephesians 4:16 (King James Version)

From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love..

The Phrase, “fitly joined together,“ is one Greek word –sunarmologeo. It means, to fit or frame together, be fitly framed, join closely together.

The NIV says it like this, joined and held together by every supporting ligament. These ligaments enable the body to grow and build itself up in love, as each part does its work.

What and who we connect with will be the direct result of whether or not we will grow or not.

Colossians 1:23 (King James Version)

If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister.

Growth happens as we continue with Him grounded and settled, and not moving when the times get hard, or weak.

Just like a tree the deeper the roots, the harder it is for that tree to move. I encourage you today to take the time and stay connected to leadership, but committed to Him. Jesus Christ.

God Bless,

Pastor Mark

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Give Up on Giving Up

Wow what an awesome service we had yesterday! Click here if you missed it.

II Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

Is life hard? Yes. Is Christ stronger and able to get us through? Absolutely. Do we feel like we want to give up sometimes? Sure we do.

But I want to encourage you today that Christ's strength is greater then any weakness we may have. His courage to face and make it through another day is unbeatable. Your tomorrow will be a better day.

I want to encourage you to give up on wanting to give up. There is hope. I pray that today, whatever you are going through God places hope in your heart. I pray that He gives you hope for tomorrow, joy for your sorrow and strength for what you are going through.

I want you to know that your best days are ahead of you. Now is your time. It doesn’t matter where you are at in life, what opportunities have passed, or how you were done wrong. Make the decision today, you are pressing on. Decide today you are moving on, the past is over, and the future holds a brighter season.

God Bless,

Pastor Mark

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Trading One Addiction for Another

Wow what an Awesome Week. Don’t forget about November 6, 2009 our faith based night. Click here for more information. I look forward to seeing all of you this weekend.

Romans 12:2 NIV Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.

When we begin to make changes in our life for the better, to honor God, to improve our Christian walk, some changes are not always for the best. I want to challenge you today to consider the following:

Have you traded one addiction for another?

Drinking for an eating disorder (over eating – under eating)
Cussing for indirect put downs (thinking they are not as bad)
Partying/Fornication for controlled seductiveness (turn on & off when you want)

What have you traded, modified or think you have controlled?

God Bless,

Pastor Mark

Monday, November 2, 2009


WOW! What an awesome service. If you missed it, click here to view it. Don’t forget about November 6, 2009 our faith based night. Click here for more information.

2 Kings 5:14 (King James Version)

Then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God: and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.

Naaman was a commander of a great Kingdom. He had brought many victories, but he had contracted an incurable disease, leprosy. He came to Elisha. Elisha was the prophet at the time. Elisha told him to go and dip in the Jordan river seven times and on the seventh time he would be healed. The only problem was the Jordan River was at the time the dirtiest river.

Naaman said can’t I go to another river and do it. No replied Elisha. The key to success in our life is obeying exactly what God has spoken. He has the exact plan and strategy to accomplish what he has placed in our heart. Naaman walked away because it was not the way he wanted to receive his healing. This meant that death in his life was going to happen.

How many times does God instruct us to do something that will give Him glory? God was humbling Naaman. Finally, Naaman went and dipped in the water seven times and on the seventh time came out purified.

Don’t stop obeying what God has spoken for you to do until you get what you have set out to do. If Naaman had stopped at the 6th time, he would not have received his healing. Partial obedience is still disobedience.

What have or are you asking God for? What has He spoken for you to do? Do it UNTIL what you are believing for happens.

Remember our success is predicated upon our obedience of what He has spoken.

God Bless,

Pastor Mark

Friday, October 30, 2009


Wow what an Awesome Week. Don’t forget about November 6, 2009 our faith based night. Click here for more information. I look forward to seeing all of you this weekend.

Luke 14:28 (King James Version)

For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?

Commitment takes on responsibility and acts of unselfishness. Many times it can be hard to commit to something or someone if you have been hurt before. However, I want to encourage you that even though the commitments of the past ended in failure, you can begin again.

In the Book of Ruth, Naomi lost her husband and her two sons. All she had left was her daughter-in-laws. Naomi told both of them to go back to there families and she would return to Bethel. Bethel is a representation of commitment, a commitment to God, and to the house of God. Ruth was the only one that returned with Naomi.

So they went back to the place of commitment. It was difficult because Naomi had lost a husband and two sons, but she knew she had to come back to the place of commitment.

I want to leave you with three things that will allow you to commit again.

  1. Forgive what has happened.
  2. Know that greater is God in you, than the hurt in you.
  3. Know what happened before was only a plan of the enemy to destroy your ability to commitment and fulfill the destiny God has placed in your life.
  4. Commit again and allow God’s grace to navigate the commitment. He will protect your heart and your life.

Without commitment, we limit ourselves and are unable to fulfill the plan and purpose of God in our life.

God bless,

Pastor Mark

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Created to Succeed

Wow what an awesome week. Don’t forget about November 6, 2009 our faith based night. Click here for more information. If you missed the service you can go back and view it here.

Jeremiah 1:5 (King James Version)

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

Everyone that was ever born was born with a plan and purpose in life. The question is do you have purpose in your life with the plan that you are following? First, we must know it’s first purpose, then passion. You can have passion for something that really has no purpose. Example - you might have a passion to watch the Sports Network all day. Unless you are going to pursue a career in Sports Broadcasting, your passion for the Sports Network is for selfish desires. A life that is fueled with purpose and passion that continues to follow a God given purpose will have good success in life.

You were created to have purpose and passion for what God purposed in your heart. God ordained and calls us to something that He placed in us. Like I said earlier, there is nothing wrong with watching sports, but if you never do anything with your purpose, then your passion will be used on something else.

I ask you, what has God placed in you that you feel called or destined to do? I always say education is the place to help me pursue the purpose of God in my life. In the process success is destined to follow.

Are you following the plan and purpose of God in your life?

God bless,

Pastor Mark

Monday, October 26, 2009

Blow Out

Wow what an Awesome Week. Don’t forget about November 6, 2009 our faith based night. Click here for more information. If you missed the service you can go back and view it here.

Ephesians 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.

Blow out. Have you ever had a tire blow out? Have you ever seen a tire blow out? In life, we sometimes experience blow-outs. Literally, it seems like what was once together is falling apart and ripping to shreds. Something that was held together by such a thick rubber substance, something that does not easily disseminate; it all comes apart. What do you do when this happens? In real life, when tires blow out, we can call a tire repair man. In real life, when life blow outs occur, we can call on Jesus.

Yes, that’s right Jesus. He is the answer to all things. You might be saying…. C’mon – but really – HOW I am going to get out of this? WHO am I going to turn to? God wants you to know that He has given you the strength on the inside to overcome. He has given you the ability and peace to go through it and come out on the other side.

Is it easy? No,not always. Is it sometimes lonely? You bet. But I want you to know that Jesus, is a friend that sticks closer then a brother. He is an ever present help in the time of trouble. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He is a refuge and fortress when you need shelter, a daddy, and a banker. He is all things to all people, because He alone is God.

He alone can calm the raging seas in your life. He alone can bring peace in midst of turmoil and explosive situations. Today, I encourage you to call on Jesus. He’s waiting on your call to “repair” what’s blown out in your life.

God bless,

Pastor Mark

Friday, October 23, 2009


Wow! What an awesome week. Don’t forget about November 6, 2009 our faith based night. Click here for more information. We look forward to seeing all of you this Sunday at

2 Corinthians 5:17 (King James Version)

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

When we accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior, all the old ways of doing things were passed away. Now, we know our spirit gets saved instantly, our soul progressively, and our body futuristic wise.

Our soul is made up of the mind, will, and emotions. So, when we accepted Christ, from this point on, our mind, will, and emotions are progressively getting saved.

Now, if we are a new creature in Christ, this means we think differently, we feel differently, and we are moved differently. The question would be, do you since the time of your salvation think, feel, and are moved differently? If you say no, then you need to reevaluate the place you are at spiritual.

We should not be thinking and dwelling on thoughts that are opposite of the will of God. We should not be feeling scared, intimidated, or alone. We should not be moved when different situations in our life arises. We should not be altered by anything that is happening around us.

The key to our soul and growing in Christ is:

mind, will, emotions - continuing in the faith, grounded, settled, and not moved.

Colossians 1:23 If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;

When we do this, we will be able to withstand the pressures of life that come our way.

God bless,

Pastor Mark

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mentor, Model, Motivator

Wow! What an Awesome Week. Don’t forget to join us on November 6, 2009. It will be the First Annual Faith Based Night at the Cedar Park Center. Click here for more information.

1 Corinthians 4:15 (King James Version)

For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel.

What comes to mind when you think of the word Father. If you had a good one like I did, you would probably say a provider, protector, loving, and caring. Maybe you didn’t have so great of a father, but the scripture tells us that God gives us spiritual fathers. Ones that we can glean from.

A spiritual father is one that is a mentor, motivator, and model. Someone that lives what they preach in the Pulpit, out in the workplace, and at home. Fathers should posses a spiritual integrity and love for God and those around them.

Here are some basic Biblical Fathers.

  1. Abraham- Man of Promise
  2. David – Man after God’s own Heart
  3. Jesus- The life giver and the one we pattern our life after.

God bless,

Pastor Mark