Friday, June 3, 2011

Premium Living

Some measure “premium living” contingent on where they live, what they drive, where their education was acquired, what their current title, position and income are; however, that is not God’s definition.

God intends for us to live a premium life, but it’s more about the internal, not external; more about the essentials vs. the non-essentials. You see, what we wear, where we live, what we do for a living, and how much we make, does not define us.

Our definition of who we are should be what the word says we are. My friend Joel Osteen who pastors Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas has his church family quote this every Sunday. It reminds me of premium living.

“This is my bible. I am what it says I am . I have what it says I have. I can do what it says I can do….”

They have a whole statement about believing the word of God and allowing it to shape and define them. Sometimes in life we can fall prey to believing intrusive thoughts. Thoughts such as, we aren’t going to make it, beginning again is too hard, I have arrived, I’m at the end of my rope.

I’m here to announce today that there is hope at the end of your rope. That God has a plan and purpose for your life. If you are 20, 35, 44, 58 whatever your age, it’s never too late to begin again, dream again and live again. Premium living is living life according to God’s plan. God’s plan is found in His word. His word is our road map in life. It helps us through valleys and mountains. Encourages us through the good, the bad and ugly of life. Following God’s road map does not eliminate obstacles, hard times, and such; but I assure you that while not everything comes from God, He will use it to work for your good. Premium living is in reach. Reach up, allow God to reach in and together live life to the fullest!


Pastor Mark

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