Thursday, July 21, 2011

Present verses future

Occupy, Reign, Rule, takeover - these words speak about planning and structure. It's important to gather, plan, and build or rebuild what has been destroyed. God deals with us about plans and structure.

Even the anointing needs a structure to rest on. If we do not have a structure, then we are missing points.

Here are some points about creating a plan and structure for where you are going.

1. Jesus would at times talk with His disciples and give them insight on His mission here on earth. He would say they will destroy this temple, but in three days it will be built again. He of course was talking about the death, burial, and Resurrection. We must take time and speak what the vision is while creating a plan to accomplish it.

2. Plans are guide rails to steer me and keep me on focus. The more focus I am, the better I am able to deliver what God has spoken. Abraham prophesied that God would provide and He did. He didn't know how, but knew God has able and would come through for him.

3. Refuse to look back Fight the good fight of faith. Refute the enemies words, thoughts, and your emotions with the Word of God. God will do His part and it will come to pass.


Pastor Mark

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