Wednesday, August 31, 2011

When God says Yes

God's word is not just facts but truthful. What is predicated upon God's blessings manifesting is our obedience of the truth.

When God says Yes, it means He has already gone before you and has given you opportunity to acquire what you desire. It's All About Him. As I have said before God's truth overrides all facts. It's when we speak the Truth of the Word of God into our situation we see victory.

God told Noah to build the ark. It had not rain in over 100 years or a Century. The facts did not add up. Even if it rained, it would take months years to even get to a place where the ark was needed, but he did not know God was going to flood in one down pour to make the ark float.

Noah trusted the truth that God said it's going to rain verses the facts. The facts might be the economy is not good. The forecast might be no rain, jobs limited, money tight, or it might be jobs are in quantity, and money is not an issue. Which ever it is, when God says Yes, move on His word. It's the truth of what He has said that will override the fact.

If God is saying yes to you, don't ignore it, it's your time for greatness.


Pastor Mark

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