Monday, March 7, 2011

Faith - Foolishness and Presumption

There is a difference between faith, foolishness, and presumption. We can think something is faith, when it's not. The question comes into play is, when is it faith?

Well, Hebrews chapter 11 verse one tells us: "Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen." Faith is constantly on the move. Where faith goes that is where you and I are to go.

Faith is trusting in Christ and what He has said and is saying.

The word Now is present tense. Faith is always present tense. Faith is moving. The
question is how do you determine if it's foolish or presumptions?

1. Foolishness is acting out on complete stupidity or ignorance.

2. Presumption is assuming it will just happen. Nothing in life just happens.
There is a cause and effect. The bible tells us to count the cost; don't assume.

3. Faith is Forward in Action in Trusting Him. It's saying yes to what God has already
spoken. It's not assuming, but acting upon what God has already spoken for you to do.

If you have moved out in foolishness or presumption; simply ask God to forgive you.
He knows your heart and your intention. God has a way of working all things for our good.


Pastor Mark

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