We are accustomed to making something that does not last. But God desires to make us so that we will not jump ship or void the vision and goals in our life. It's like working at a job that requires a degree, but never going through the process. There is a process to being a made minister.
So, today I want to start this out with first talking about son ship and what it encompasses.
In II Corinthians 4:13 It is written: “I believed; therefore I have spoken.”Since we have that same spirit of faith, we also believe and therefore speak. This scripture verse sets the stage for son ship.
Paul tells us to have the same spirit of faith. Having the same spirit of faith is the same as the same DNA. Now, do not confuse same spirit of faith or DNA as cloning. You do not have to look the same to have the same spirit of faith. You do not have to dress the same to have the same spirit of faith. But you must speak and believe the same. I will take it a little farther and say you do not have to have the same language, but what you say must mean and interpret the same.
In Numbers 11:16-17 God speaks to Moses and tells him, "Gather together seventy men from among the leaders of Israel, men whom you know to be respected and responsible. Take them to the Tent of Meeting. I'll meet you there. I'll come down and speak with you. I'll take Some of the Spirit that is on you and place it on them; they'll then be able to take some of the load of this people—you won't have
to carry the whole thing alone. God was placing Moses spirit upon the seventy. He was giving them Moses DNA.
We are spirit, soul, and body in I Thessalonians 5:23 it speaks to us by saying. "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole Spirit and Soul and Body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Greek word for spirit is pneuma. Pneumatikos is spiritual. By spiritual beings we look like God by virtue of the spirit. Thus we are Spirit beings having a human encounter. That is why we can sense something happening even though there might not be tangible evidence seen. But is sensed spiritual.
God will speak to us who to appoint and He will place our spirit on them. )I will describe how to appoint the right people to leadership latter in another blog) That is why it's important to lay hands on the people and release your spirit upon them. That is why Paul wrote about the same spirit of faith. If you want your organization to grow, ask God to place your spirit upon the congregation. They will begin to talk like you do and follow the God in you.
I can always recognize how the Pastor acts by the members act. If the people are arrogant, then the pastor is arrogant. If the people are joyous and it's exciting to be around them, then the Pastor is the same way. Your congregation should be a reflection of you. We are not talking about cloning, but just like a shirt, there should be the signature that identifies that as your spirit.
More to come.
Pastor Mark
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