Thursday, December 3, 2009

See, Hear, Taste, Smell, and Touch

Don’t miss this Sunday for your life. It’s going to be awesome. Click here for more information.

Proverbs 29:18 (King James Version)

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

Without a vision in our life, it is like driving blindfolded in a vehicle. Eventually you will crash. It’s the same with every area of our life. We must have a vision for our life, if we want to see good success.

Here are some practical insights.

1. Write the vision down. Habakkuk 2:1 tells us to write the vision down. If you don’t have one, get one and write it down. Write one down for every area of your life. Even if you had one and gave up on it, write it down again.

2. Study. II Timothy 2:15 tells us to study to show ourselves approved of God. After you write it down, ask the Lord for direction. If you want to be an archaeologist, then look into what it takes to do it. If you want a healthy family, open the word of God and allow God to start with you and then go from there.

3. Move forward. Faith without works is dead. After you have written the vision down, studied, then you must execute on how God has instructed you to do.

4. Allow Him to make it come to pass. He is the master at taking any situation and turning it for our good.

Remember without a vision the people perish. Whatever dream you have, with God nothing is impossible unto him that believes. Go after what God has placed in your heart and don’t give up until you see it. Vision stays the same, but strategies change.

God Bless,

Pastor Mark

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