Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Part 2 of Making of a Man

I want to continue with "Making of a Man Part 2." God is into making us in every area of our life. It starts with having the same spirit of faith.

There are 7 components that make up the same Spirit of Faith or Same DNA
And here they are:

1. Hear ( Romans 10:13-17) We can not have the same spirit of faith without hearing and hearing what God's is saying through our Pastor/Leader.

2. Believe (see, take, keep) Mark 9:23 if you can believe all things are possible. It's believing in what God is saying through the Man of God.

3. Speak (see what you speak) Acts 3:6-8 If we only speak what we see, then we will only go so far. But if we see what we are saying, then we will reach our full potential.

4. See ( speak what you see) II Cor. 4:7 When we see what we speak, then we will speak what we see. It's God that performs the miracle. This allows us to never give up no matter what goes on in our lives.

5. Receive –Mark 4:24 They received what God was saying to them. We must do the same and we will be able to receive all that God has for us.

6. Keep- Proverbs 4:23 We must keep what God has spoken to us and not allow anything or anyone to extract it out.

7. Increase-Matthew 12:35 We must increase what God has given through the Man or Woman of God in our life and performance. We increase it by hearing, believing what you hear, speaking what you have heard and believed, then seeing what you have spoken, then are we able to receive it, we are then able to keep it, and then we can increase it.

More to come


Pastor Mark

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