Thursday, December 29, 2011


Reposition – Your best is yet to come

In a few days, it will be the New Year. Maybe this year has been a year of drought and frustration. On the contrary, maybe this is been one of the best years of your life. Either way, I want to talk to you today about repositioning. In the bible, there was a man by the name of Isaac. He was told by God to stay in the region he was in but there was a famine. Due to the famine in the land, it seemed to complicate things. How could God want him to stay where there was great lack and despair? In a quick answer, it was to accomplish the assignment God set out for his life. Looking from the outside in, it would appear like Isaac missed God; but he didn’t. You see, as you read the account of this portion of his life in Genesis 26, you learn that he had to reposition himself. When he did, the bible explains he was able to break through. Are you at a point in life where you a need a breakthrough? I encourage you to do what Isaac did and reposition yourself. Isaac repositioned himself, dug a well, and named it Rehoboth which means more than enough room.

The process was a challenge. However, once he repositioned, he was able to move forward and accomplish all that God had set out for his life. In Matthew 3:9 it tells us not to think of ourselves too highly and to place our focus on knowing Him; Jesus. God may be calling you today to reposition your attitude, relationships, career track, health focus or something of the like; only you know. Whatever it is, start today to reposition. The bible teaches us Isaac removed himself from the place where nothing was working, repositioned in the same country, different region.

God desires for our life to be fruitful, even in hard times, but it can only occur if we reposition ourselves and have our souls anchored on the rock of Christ Jesus. I want you to think about this as we approach this next year. Where you are at and where does God desires for you to be? Write it down. You might have to forgive someone, or forgive yourself. You may have to ask for someone to forgive you. Listen to that still small voice inside. Decide today, not to take the past into the future. Instead reposition, so that you can have the life God intended you to have! I am confident that 2012 is going to be an epic year, I declare God’s best over your life and hold onto the hope in your heart that the best is yet to come!


Pastor Mark


Reposition – Your best is yet to come

In a few days, it will be the New Year. Maybe this year has been a year of drought and frustration. On the contrary, maybe this is been one of the best years of your life. Either way, I want to talk to you today about repositioning. In the bible, there was a man by the name of Isaac. He was told by God to stay in the region he was in but there was a famine. Due to the famine in the land, it seemed to complicate things. How could God want him to stay where there was great lack and despair? In a quick answer, it was to accomplish the assignment God set out for his life. Looking from the outside in, it would appear like Isaac missed God; but he didn’t. You see, as you read the account of this portion of his life in Genesis 26, you learn that he had to reposition himself. When he did, the bible explains he was able to break through. Are you at a point in life where you a need a breakthrough? I encourage you to do what Isaac did and reposition yourself. Isaac repositioned himself, dug a well, and named it Rehoboth which means more than enough room.

The process was a challenge. However, once he repositioned, he was able to move forward and accomplish all that God had set out for his life. In Matthew 3:9 it tells us not to think of ourselves too highly and to place our focus on knowing Him; Jesus. God may be calling you today to reposition your attitude, relationships, career track, health focus or something of the like; only you know. Whatever it is, start today to reposition. The bible teaches us Isaac removed himself from the place where nothing was working, repositioned in the same country, different region.

God desires for our life to be fruitful, even in hard times, but it can only occur if we reposition ourselves and have our souls anchored on the rock of Christ Jesus. I want you to think about this as we approach this next year. Where you are at and where does God desires for you to be? Write it down. You might have to forgive someone, or forgive yourself. You may have to ask for someone to forgive you. Listen to that still small voice inside. Decide today, not to take the past into the future. Instead reposition, so that you can have the life God intended you to have! I am confident that 2012 is going to be an epic year, I declare God’s best over your life and hold onto the hope in your heart that the best is yet to come!


Pastor Mark

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Attitude of Gratitude

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours! We pray that your day is filled with faith, family, friends and fun.

You might say, “Pastor, I’m thankful for today and to be alive, but it’s been a rough year.” Yes, my friend I know. 2011 has been rough for quite a few families. Not just economically, but relationally; there has been much transition.

I want to encourage you today and let you know, through every opposition, there is opportunity. Your best is yet to come! We can make excuses or we can make progress. Choose progress! Together, let’s take on an attitude of gratitude. Let’s not allow the fear of losing to be greater than the excitement of winning.

I want to speak faith filled words over your life. I want you to walk away with a hope that you can Begin Again, Dream Again and Live Again. You can reach your full potential through Christ. You are more than a conqueror.

God see’s your future and there are great opportunities ahead for you. Having a thankful heart opens up the abundance in our life.

Every Thanksgiving, at our home, we go around the dinner table listing three things we are thankful and grateful for. I encourage you to share with someone today, what you are thankful for.

Here are three you can start with:

I am thankful my future is bright!

I am thankful my best days are ahead!

I am thankful that there is hope for tomorrow and strength for everything we go through.

Life is what we make it. Thank you for sharing this short time with me on your Thanksgiving!

Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving,

Pastor Mark Brown

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Staging a Comeback

In life we are faced with some of the greatest opposition. These oppositions are meant to derail us from reaching our full potential in Christ. Jesus said in John 10:10 “the thief comes to kill, steal, and destroy, but I (Jesus) have come that you may have life and have it abundantly.” The only way to acquire and live an abundant life, is to allow Him to stage a comeback.

So, how does God stage a comeback? God is notorious about making His comeback in our lives. In the book of Romans, it tells us all thing work together for the good of them that are called by His name. It’s allowing Him to work all the good, the bad, and the ugly situations out in our lives. It starts with placing our disappointments, success, strengths, and weaknesses in His hand.

In the bible, God gave dreams and visions to a young man named Joseph. This man went through horrific times in life. In fact, he was falsely accused, lied about, and thrown out, all because of dreams he had. But he kept holding on and pressing forward when most would have given up. After 13 years, God promoted him and his dreams came to pass.

I want you to know just as God staged a comeback for Joseph, so is He staging a comeback for you. God is intentional about our success. He knows life has its opposition, but He knows how to position and set the stage for a great comeback. Your comeback may not take 13 years, it may be next month, next week, in two years, but know that God is working on your behalf.

I don’t know where you are in life or if you need a comeback in a certain area of your life, but if you give Him all of the problems, God will set the stage for one of the greatest comebacks in your life. Remember, this stage is set by God and not man, which converts to you and I succeeding because of the person who has set the stage.

Begin your comeback today.


Pastor Mark Brown

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It shall be

In Genesis chapter 37 we see here a young anointed man by the name of Joseph, which is the son of Jacob, in the beginnings of his life. Joseph was in the interlude of what was getting ready to thrust him into the destiny in his life. The bible records Jacob as loving Joseph above all his brothers and was given a coat of many colors by his father.

Through the process of time the young man had dreams which were very bold and exclaiming about his life. Little did his family know that these dreams where prophetic from God of what was to come, but like most religious families, they refused to receive them and became offended at what Joseph was telling them. Has God given you a vision in which you were so excited? However, bound and immature people try to discourage the vision because they want it for themselves or they simply cannot see you there. Don’t worry because God led Joseph through all the immature and death traps of the enemy and He will lead you though too.


Pastor Mark

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's your Time

God's method's are not always common. He used a donkey to stop a man from being killed. He used a bush that was on fire, but did not burn to get some one's attention. He told one man to eat a scroll. He told an army to fight not with weapons but with musical instruments. He spit in the mud and took the mud then proceeded to place them on a blind man's eyes and he was healed.

All of these are only a few of uncommon ways God used to deliver, heal, save, and bring back to life for people. There can be times in our life that He uses uncommon ways to solve the solution. These uncommon ways are uncommon to us, but not to Him. They have meaning and are used many times as examples in our life.

I want to encourage you not to dismiss something that God is using in your life. It might be different to us, but it's not different to Him.


Pastor Mark

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

When God says Yes

God's word is not just facts but truthful. What is predicated upon God's blessings manifesting is our obedience of the truth.

When God says Yes, it means He has already gone before you and has given you opportunity to acquire what you desire. It's All About Him. As I have said before God's truth overrides all facts. It's when we speak the Truth of the Word of God into our situation we see victory.

God told Noah to build the ark. It had not rain in over 100 years or a Century. The facts did not add up. Even if it rained, it would take months years to even get to a place where the ark was needed, but he did not know God was going to flood in one down pour to make the ark float.

Noah trusted the truth that God said it's going to rain verses the facts. The facts might be the economy is not good. The forecast might be no rain, jobs limited, money tight, or it might be jobs are in quantity, and money is not an issue. Which ever it is, when God says Yes, move on His word. It's the truth of what He has said that will override the fact.

If God is saying yes to you, don't ignore it, it's your time for greatness.


Pastor Mark

Friday, August 19, 2011


The present invidious, will not compare to the supernatural that God will do. God has the efficacious to develop full potential in and through you. You have what it takes to accomplish all that God has placed in your heart.

God knows the right time. He is not infelicitous, but timely and knows exactly what to say and do for us.

In Exodus God used a shy, but strong in nature man to deliver Israel out of the Egyptian hand. God will use whoever desires for Him to use. No matter how much Moses was trained and educated in the Egyptian protocol, he was already taken by God. When we have a revelation we are already taken, no matter where we go, where we educate ourselves, who we thank we may want to become or marry, you are already taken. Before the foundation of the World God took you and planed out a coarse for your life.

Here are three points that will encourage you to know you are taken.

1. Before- This is a word that God is notorious about in letting us know before you arrived at where you are, God already had a plan and is directing your path. Jeremiah 29:11, Ephesians 1:4

2. For we know not- We might not know where to go or what to say, but God does and when we pray in the spirit, the Holy Spirit makes intercession on our behalf. Romans 8:26

3. Everything will work to your good. God has already repositioned you to accomplish what He has said is yours. When Abraham went to Egypt, he told his wife that he was going to tell them he was his sister. Technically she was his half sister. He did this because he thought the King would kill him and take his wife. So when they arrived and he said this is my sister, Sarah was taken to the King. But that night the King had a dream that God showed him she belonged to Abraham and not to touch her. The King did nothing wrong, but she was already taken. God interrupted the enemies plans and rescued her. She was let go and so was Abraham. So it is in our lives we are taken and God will interrupt the enemies plans if we allow Him.

So today, know that you are taken and be willing to block out the enemy and all that he has attempted and attempts to do.


Pastor Mark

Friday, July 29, 2011

When Faith Makes Sense

When things are going well or are not too far off base, it can seem easier to have faith. Maybe it is because your faith isn’t being stretched, it is still in a comfortable zone, not requiring too much. Or possibly, it’s because you simply are still relying on natural factors to resolve the issues vs. supernatural intervention.

Some people think faith is a crutch or something tricky and it doesn’t really make sense. They don’t always understand it and can’t seem to grasp how to stand in faith when the world around them is falling apart.

Let me clarify that faith is an action. Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Faith is not foolishness or presumption, but rather believing and trusting at the same time.

Once you understand that about faith, the next thing you need to check is who or what you are having faith in. Are you having faith in your career vs. having faith in God that opens doors no man can shut and shuts doors no man can open? In life we can experience “faith failure” because our trust and belief was not in the right place to start with. Then we proceed to not understand, blame God and the list goes on. So today, I invite you to have faith for whatever situation you are facing. Faith in God, that He will turn the situation around and is in complete control. Don’t allow yourself to get overwhelmed, walking through the week in fear or with anxiety but rather do your part, which is what we call the natural, and allow God to do the providential. Activate your faith!

Praying for your success,

Pastor Mark

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Present verses future

Occupy, Reign, Rule, takeover - these words speak about planning and structure. It's important to gather, plan, and build or rebuild what has been destroyed. God deals with us about plans and structure.

Even the anointing needs a structure to rest on. If we do not have a structure, then we are missing points.

Here are some points about creating a plan and structure for where you are going.

1. Jesus would at times talk with His disciples and give them insight on His mission here on earth. He would say they will destroy this temple, but in three days it will be built again. He of course was talking about the death, burial, and Resurrection. We must take time and speak what the vision is while creating a plan to accomplish it.

2. Plans are guide rails to steer me and keep me on focus. The more focus I am, the better I am able to deliver what God has spoken. Abraham prophesied that God would provide and He did. He didn't know how, but knew God has able and would come through for him.

3. Refuse to look back Fight the good fight of faith. Refute the enemies words, thoughts, and your emotions with the Word of God. God will do His part and it will come to pass.


Pastor Mark

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Promotion Comes from the Lord

Promotion is something that most people work hard to do. Whether it is a position at work, in your spiritual walk with God, He is always at work. God placed a desire in us to desire better. This desire can be altered by our view point of how to acquire what we desire.

The question comes into play how? Why? and many other questions. But the bible is very clear about the way to achieve the promotion. It starts out by instructing us in the book of Psalm 75:6-7 6For promotion cometh neither from the East, nor from the West, nor from the South.7But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another. You see the promotion is ultimatly determined by God. You might say why would God give a position I have been working for to someone that is less qualified, or ungodly.

The reason is sometimes it's delayed, but it does not mean a denial. It could be God is setting you up for a better promotion and if you take this one it could alter what God desires for you to do. Also God is building you up. He is setting you and placing you for the right position for your life. Remember the foot steps of a good man or woman is ordered by the Lord. When we do our part, God will guide us by His Spirit to the place where there is abundance of peace, joy, love, and grace. He may lead you to a different place, but stay focus. Your promotion is coming from the Lord.

So what do I do in the mean time?

1. Continue to allow God to prepare you.
2. Stay Focused. A focused life is a life that is diciplend and is flixiable, teachable, and consitently ready to puresure God's will in every area of there life.
3. Refuse to allow anything or anyone to distract you from all that God has for you.
4. Relax. God has it in control.


Pastor Mark

Our perception in life will be a direct reflection of where and how we achieve in it. When God places you somewhere God has a perspective on that area. God will never dilute or change what He expects.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

When Faith Speaks

Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. By faith Noah built an ark even though it had not rain in years. By faith Abraham acquired all that God said was his. By faith Gideon over came an army of thousands with only 300 men. By faith Peter walked on the water toward Jesus. By faith 3 Hebrews refused to compromise and was thrown into the fire, but came out unharmed. By faith Daniel stayed faithful to God and God delivered him from the lions. By faith we walk by faith. Don't limit the faith you have in Christ. If God before you who can be against you. You are worth more than the world.


Pastor Mark


You have been gifted to live a life that is effective and changing the world. Don't let go of what God has said, instead speak what He has already spoken. Relax your best days are still ahead of you.

In the book Psalms chapter 91 verse 16 it tells us "with long life God will satisfy us." He is in the business of protecting us for life. He is our spiritual protector.

We can go aside from His protection by not following His lead. When someone comes onto you, don't allow yourself to get flattered, stop the feeling by refusing to allow it to seduce you. Walk away, call someone, but don't stay there. If you get temped to settle, or lie about a situation, refuse to move toward it, the reason is you are leading yourself outside God's protect.

1. Leaders lead with God's protection in every area of your life. The bible tells us in the Book of first John chapter 2 verse 27 the Holy Spirit will teach us all truths. It's the strategy to accomplish what God has spoken for us to do.

The strategy is the road map you and I need to define and accomplish the vision/goals in our life.

2. The strategy we use is not just about the end, but it is the means to the end.

3. The protection God has for each of us will allow us to move beyond our boundaries, but stay within His protection. It's not ignorance or foolishness, but faith in His plan.


Pastor Mark

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The drought has ended

It's raining. It has come. When Elijah was ready to pray, he told the servant what do you see? It was not until the seventh time the servant saw a cloud the size of a man's hand. It's was the sign the rain was coming.

I know there has been a draught, but I declare to you today, the draught has ended. Just like Elijah, when we see what God is saying, the draught has ended. It was not raining yet, but the cloud was indicative the rain was coming.

Today, know the draught in your life has ended. It's over and the victory is yours.


Pastor Mark

Monday, June 13, 2011

Before you Get There

Did you know "the place" God has called you to, He has already prepared for you? Yes, that is right, God knows the end from the beginning. The strategy he has placed in your heart to accomplish his will may seem complex, but He will provide resources as fuel for your vision and God given destiny.

When God spoke to Abraham telling him to travel to the land of Canaan, little did he know he would be welcomed by a famine. No one wants to follow the will of God into a famine. What do you do when you arrive to a place, directed by God and there is famine in the land?

Crying is not an option. Turning back is not an option. Giving up is not an option. Pressing forward is the only option. Pressing forward is the only solution. As you assess your situation, you may think "what do I have to offer" this land in famine?

Show them a better way of living friend. Show them famine is not the lifestyle God intends for us to live.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Life can bring unexpected situations our way. But when we have a daily communication with God, there is opportunity for God to speak to us about the unexpected.

When things occur in our life, it's not a time to doubt God or feel nothing is going to work out. God is able to do abundantly above we can think or ask according to the power that works in us. This time is a time to speak and confess what His word says.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.

God knows the way out and the way in. He knows how to make all things possible.

I don't know where you are currently at, but don't allow fear, regret, and doubt to consume your mind. God has a plan and strategy to accomplish all that He has called you to do.

Here are some points to ponder when the Unexpected happens.

1. Never regret- Regretting only causes us to formulate a solution based upon what we think should of happened, or what could have really happened. Either way. God says in His word the latter will be greater than the formal. God still has God opportunities for us.

2. Always know God is working on your behalf- Romans 8:28 tells us -And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

3. Cast down or throw down every thought that is opposite of God's will. The Message bible says it like this: II Corinthians 10:5.... We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ.....

4. Heaven and earth will pass away but God's word will never pass away. What He has said will come to pass.

No matter where you are right now as you read this. When you give what you are going through to God, He will open a door that no man can shut and shut the door that no man can open. Your best life is still ahead.


Pastor Mark

Friday, June 3, 2011

Premium Living

Some measure “premium living” contingent on where they live, what they drive, where their education was acquired, what their current title, position and income are; however, that is not God’s definition.

God intends for us to live a premium life, but it’s more about the internal, not external; more about the essentials vs. the non-essentials. You see, what we wear, where we live, what we do for a living, and how much we make, does not define us.

Our definition of who we are should be what the word says we are. My friend Joel Osteen who pastors Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas has his church family quote this every Sunday. It reminds me of premium living.

“This is my bible. I am what it says I am . I have what it says I have. I can do what it says I can do….”

They have a whole statement about believing the word of God and allowing it to shape and define them. Sometimes in life we can fall prey to believing intrusive thoughts. Thoughts such as, we aren’t going to make it, beginning again is too hard, I have arrived, I’m at the end of my rope.

I’m here to announce today that there is hope at the end of your rope. That God has a plan and purpose for your life. If you are 20, 35, 44, 58 whatever your age, it’s never too late to begin again, dream again and live again. Premium living is living life according to God’s plan. God’s plan is found in His word. His word is our road map in life. It helps us through valleys and mountains. Encourages us through the good, the bad and ugly of life. Following God’s road map does not eliminate obstacles, hard times, and such; but I assure you that while not everything comes from God, He will use it to work for your good. Premium living is in reach. Reach up, allow God to reach in and together live life to the fullest!


Pastor Mark

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hazardous Work

In Matthew 10:16 The Message says it like this: "Stay alert. This is hazardous work I'm assigning you. You're going to be like sheep running through a wolf pack, so don't call attention to yourselves. Be as cunning as a snake, inoffensive as a dove.

When I think of serving God, it is hazardous work. We uphold God's standard of living. It's taking His road all the time. It can be dangerous at times.

So, the question is how do you stay connected, committed, and passionate toward God and His calling without constantly being in defense mode?

Here are some points:

1. Stay focused. Many times situations occur simply because of life. Jesus said I send you forth as sheep running through a wolf pack. He was telling us life has wolves; don't be afraid.

2. Be practical. In life we can prevent things from happening, simply by doing the practical.

3. Be not afraid. II Timothy 1:7 God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. Psalms 23:5 Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. Psalms 91:7 one thousand will fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but no evil will come near you. God knows how to protect us.

Remember God will never leave you nor forsake you. He knows the ending from the beginning.


Pastor Mark

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Begin Again

There are times in our life we must begin again. This new beginning is not something that has not been done before, but a rebirth of what God has said will come to pass.

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have toward you. Plans to prosper you.

God's plans are always for us to acquire the best in life. Even when we end up in a dead end, God knows how to navigate us back to the place where we can experience His best. Beginning Again is living the dream. It's living a life that is active and productive and effective in every area of your life.

Jesus said. My God shall supply all of my needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. He will and is doing it. Think forward in your thinking.

The limits of what people have said, done, or are doing. The world takes limits off but not for God's glory. Take every weight or idea that God has not told you and replace it with God's vision.


Pastor Mark

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What are you waiting for?

Have you ever known something and did not know how to acquire it? God knows the strategy, methods, and connections needed to acquire it.

God told Israel I have set the land before you go and possess it.

It says it like this in Deuteronomy 1:8 K.J.V. Behold, I have set the land before you: go in and possess the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give unto them and to their seed after them.

God had already made a way to acquire the land or place. This place might be walled up like Jerecho was, but if you apply His strategy you will be sure to acquire the set land.

Here are some tips on acquiring the Set Places

1. Never limit God. When someone experiences increase, we tend to settle and place a period. It's not over.

2. Continue to possess the land in its entirety. We have not arrived. There much more territory to possess.

3. Don't look back. Looking back can be one of the greatest distractions and settlers of all time. The reason is, if you look back, it says this is farther than you have gone before, and then it also can express to you all the pain you went through to arrive at where you are currently at.

4. One last one is =Until you check out of this world, continue to possess the land.

Go for it!


Pastor Mark

Thursday, May 19, 2011

How to Stay in your Lane.

When a race begins each runner is given a lane. No matter what if the runner crosses into the other lane, they are disqualified. This is the same for us. God has given us each a lane. The lane is what God has purposed in our life. This race the race of our life. Not to compete against each other, but to complete what the Lord has called us to do.

Paul said at the end of his life. I have run My race. He stayed in his lane and did not cross over. He was willing to fight the good fight of faith and not entangle with non-essitials in life. He was willing to create a revolution and do his creative best that God had given him.

Joel 2:7 and they did not brake rank. They all stayed in their lane. You are the only one that can run in that lane. There have been others that have run before you, but you are now the only one running in that lane.

I want to encourage you to run your race. Don’t look at other ministries, or families, or business and say “Man if I had that I could”, no God has the lane for you to run. That is why Hebrews 12:1 tells us to strip down and throw aside every un nessacary weight. It could be low-self esteem, high self esteem, pride, arrogance. Maybe you have been taken advantage of or regret some choices made. Whatever it might be, throw it to the side and run the Race and stay in your lane that God has for you.

So at the end you can say like Paul I have run My race and now is laid up for me a crown of jewels.


Pastor Mark

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Purpose in your Pain

I was recently ask to write an article in one of our local News Paper's Faith Column. Here it is.

In life we experience seasons. Some seasons seem to have more obstacles then we would care to take on. Living in faith can be a challenge when we are experiencing stress, struggle and strain on different levels. Today, I want to encourage you to redefine life. L.I.F.E stands for living in faith every day.

Choose to begin again and dream again. I know it is not easy; but it’s possible. The bible teaches us that with God all things are possible. You see, God is the president and CEO of the universe. He knows the ending from the beginning. When we look to Him, we can begin to see what He has purposed for our life.

I don’t know your pain and all you have had to walk through. I do know a God who can take our tragedy and use it for a strategy; a setback for a set up. It’s in our pain that purpose can be formed. When King David took office, The Lord gave him favor and took the amalgamation of his life experiences and mixed it together for his good. No matter what you have experienced or what you are currently walking through, be encouraged. God is working things out and can use this pain by turning it into purpose for our life if we give it to Him.

Start your comeback today!


Pastor Mark

Monday, May 2, 2011

Seize the moment

Seizing the God moments in our life is what will cause us to advance in life. God moments come and then they go. It took Israel 40 years instead of 4-10 days to reach the promise land. The reason was because they failed to see what God was seeing.

He saw them acquiring and overthrowing the land. He saw them establishing His name. He saw them building, advancing the kingdom and reaching their full potential. God is seeing the exact same things about you and I.

He see you reaching your full potential. He sees you being promoted on your job. Excelling in that career. If it means to go back to school or do something different, then do it. The Israelites cheated themselves out of 40 years because they refused to take and seize God's opportunities.

Today, I want to encourage you to seize every God opportunity that comes your way. You will be the better for it.


Pastor Mark

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


If you have ever driven a standard, you know that shifting is necessary to slow down or speed up. You can grind the gears if someone does not know how to shift the gears. In life we must know how to shift the gears with grinding them.

When it comes to our relationships, economic status, and emotions, we have to know when to shift. Every time Jesus was talking to the disciples, He would shift the gears. He would say something like this:

John 21:15-17 (New Living Translation)

After breakfast Jesus asked Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”

“Yes, Lord,” Peter replied, “you know I love you.”

“Then feed my lambs,” Jesus told him.

16 Jesus repeated the question: “Simon son of John, do you love me?”

“Yes, Lord,” Peter said, “you know I love you.”

“Then take care of my sheep,” Jesus said.

17 A third time he asked him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”

Peter was hurt that Jesus asked the question a third time. He said, “Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you.”

Jesus said, “Then feed my sheep.

The first two replies by Peter was a basic response of friendship. It was not until the third time Peter responded with the correct love. Jesus had positioned a shift. Peter became hurt and angry because he was not shifting. This is the same way in our life. God begins to speak to us to do something and we do it in the same gear we did something else. We like Peter become angry, hurt, disappointed, frustrated, and even to the point of giving up. The reason is because we did not shift the gears. What He is asking us to do requires us to shift the gears.

I want to encourage you today to shift the gears. Move toward God's plan, purpose, and destiny in your lives.


Pastor Mark

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Part 2 of Making of a Man

I want to continue with "Making of a Man Part 2." God is into making us in every area of our life. It starts with having the same spirit of faith.

There are 7 components that make up the same Spirit of Faith or Same DNA
And here they are:

1. Hear ( Romans 10:13-17) We can not have the same spirit of faith without hearing and hearing what God's is saying through our Pastor/Leader.

2. Believe (see, take, keep) Mark 9:23 if you can believe all things are possible. It's believing in what God is saying through the Man of God.

3. Speak (see what you speak) Acts 3:6-8 If we only speak what we see, then we will only go so far. But if we see what we are saying, then we will reach our full potential.

4. See ( speak what you see) II Cor. 4:7 When we see what we speak, then we will speak what we see. It's God that performs the miracle. This allows us to never give up no matter what goes on in our lives.

5. Receive –Mark 4:24 They received what God was saying to them. We must do the same and we will be able to receive all that God has for us.

6. Keep- Proverbs 4:23 We must keep what God has spoken to us and not allow anything or anyone to extract it out.

7. Increase-Matthew 12:35 We must increase what God has given through the Man or Woman of God in our life and performance. We increase it by hearing, believing what you hear, speaking what you have heard and believed, then seeing what you have spoken, then are we able to receive it, we are then able to keep it, and then we can increase it.

More to come


Pastor Mark

Monday, April 4, 2011


Change is present. For the past few weeks I have been sensing a change in my spirit. It's a change of destiny. In the last several days, it has begun to get stronger.

If you are experiencing change, I want to give you some points on what to expect.

1. Be willing to flow with it. The disciples were constantly asking Jesus "why" "when" they could not understand everything He was saying, but as they followed, it became clear. So it is with us, follow Him and you will see.

2. Change is uncomfortable. If someone is remodeling a house, there are quite a few dis confronts. Don't allow the dis confront get you distracted from acquiring what you have been praying, fasting, obeying and following through on. Your Next!

3. The opposition you are sensing is only part of the process to pull out of us what God has put in us. He has placed in us the ability to withstand the pressure and to lean upon Him for our outsource.

4. Relax, God will do what He has said. He will bring the help needed to deliver and accomplish what He has placed in you.


Pastor Mark

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Making of a Man Part 1

In a society we live in, we are accustomed to instantaneous. From eating to building a house. A person will only stay at a job for a little while, then jump to the next best thing. It happens also in marriage, relationships, and other areas of our life.

We are accustomed to making something that does not last. But God desires to make us so that we will not jump ship or void the vision and goals in our life. It's like working at a job that requires a degree, but never going through the process. There is a process to being a made minister.

So, today I want to start this out with first talking about son ship and what it encompasses.

In II Corinthians 4:13 It is written: “I believed; therefore I have spoken.”Since we have that same spirit of faith, we also believe and therefore speak. This scripture verse sets the stage for son ship.

Paul tells us to have the same spirit of faith. Having the same spirit of faith is the same as the same DNA. Now, do not confuse same spirit of faith or DNA as cloning. You do not have to look the same to have the same spirit of faith. You do not have to dress the same to have the same spirit of faith. But you must speak and believe the same. I will take it a little farther and say you do not have to have the same language, but what you say must mean and interpret the same.

In Numbers 11:16-17 God speaks to Moses and tells him, "Gather together seventy men from among the leaders of Israel, men whom you know to be respected and responsible. Take them to the Tent of Meeting. I'll meet you there. I'll come down and speak with you. I'll take Some of the Spirit that is on you and place it on them; they'll then be able to take some of the load of this people—you won't have
to carry the whole thing alone. God was placing Moses spirit upon the seventy. He was giving them Moses DNA.

We are spirit, soul, and body in I Thessalonians 5:23 it speaks to us by saying. "And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole Spirit and Soul and Body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Greek word for spirit is pneuma. Pneumatikos is spiritual. By spiritual beings we look like God by virtue of the spirit. Thus we are Spirit beings having a human encounter. That is why we can sense something happening even though there might not be tangible evidence seen. But is sensed spiritual.

God will speak to us who to appoint and He will place our spirit on them. )I will describe how to appoint the right people to leadership latter in another blog) That is why it's important to lay hands on the people and release your spirit upon them. That is why Paul wrote about the same spirit of faith. If you want your organization to grow, ask God to place your spirit upon the congregation. They will begin to talk like you do and follow the God in you.

I can always recognize how the Pastor acts by the members act. If the people are arrogant, then the pastor is arrogant. If the people are joyous and it's exciting to be around them, then the Pastor is the same way. Your congregation should be a reflection of you. We are not talking about cloning, but just like a shirt, there should be the signature that identifies that as your spirit.

More to come.


Pastor Mark

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Facing Fact

One of the greatest mistakes people can make is not be aware of what God is doing or sayings.
We can mistake what has happened and what is happening as the same.

Circumstances should never deviate us from accomplishing all that God has entrusted us with. One time as a child I was with my dad and we were going to an event on a military base. The entrance to the base started in one city and the other entrance was at another city. At the end of the event my dad tried to go back to the entrance where we lived. The problem was it was blocked off. We had to go through the other entrance that would take us 20 minutes to get home instead of 5 minutes. At the same time we where hungry younger brother and sister where in the car too. It took us longer, but we made it home.

This is sometimes the way life is. We are placed on a detour, but God never intended for us to detour away from what God is saying. What He has said will come to pass, but what He is saying brings what He has said to past. Listen to what He is sayings. Because this is your key to the next step.

1. Remove all past feelings. Your feelings can side track you and bring you to a place where you nor God intended to be.

2. Listen. Listen to what He is saying. His voice speaks volumes. What He is saying will bring forth what He has spoken. Example: God spoke to you that you would travel the world. You did the practical, now, listen to what He is saying right now. What He is saying right now will get you to travel the world. It's what He is saying.

3. Reposition yourself is needed to follow through on what He is saying. When the children of Israel came to the promise land the bible tells us the manna stopped. It was not a week latter after they settled in, no immeditely it stopped. It goes on to say they never saw manna again. (Joshua 5:12) As you move on what He is saying, the transition will happen. Israel never again saw the manna because the season had ended.

Don't look back, your in a season of change and It will come to pass


Pastor Mark

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fly your kite

This past weekend to kick off Spring Break, I took the boys to fly kites. We've tried this several times before but the wind was never strong enough on days we went out. This day was different. With new Star Wars kites in hand, we headed out to the park. My youngest son Matthew was able to get his kite up before his older brother. It was flying high and strong. Immediately, everyone took note. When Mark saw that his younger brother was flying his kite first, he shouted "good job Matt, that is awesome!" I was so proud at that moment, because he demonstrated the spirit of our house. He encouraged and celebrated his younger brother getting his kite off the ground. Soon after, we had Mark's kite up flying high and strong.

I was reminded of Pastors, leaders, siblings, churches, neighboring businesses and thought what if we encouraged and celebrated each other even though we are not off the ground first? Instead of trying to destroy, slander or bash someone who is hitting the mark; encourage them. My son demonstrated the Kingdom example of encouraging and celebrating one another.

The bible says in Hebrews 10:25 (NLT) .... but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

So today, I want to encourage you to encourage and celebrate someone this week. Maybe you're not a pastor, maybe your other sibling acquired their house before you, just got engaged while you are still waiting for the right one. Maybe it's the new employee at the office who was promoted while you were over-looked. Is it a neighbor who got that car you've had your eye on? Maybe you are a Pastor and Pastor So & So is touring their third book and you are just trying to get your first one published. Encourage and celebrate someone this week. Before you know it, your kite will be off the ground and we'll all be celebrating you and what God has done in your life.


Pastor Mark

Monday, March 7, 2011

Faith - Foolishness and Presumption

There is a difference between faith, foolishness, and presumption. We can think something is faith, when it's not. The question comes into play is, when is it faith?

Well, Hebrews chapter 11 verse one tells us: "Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen." Faith is constantly on the move. Where faith goes that is where you and I are to go.

Faith is trusting in Christ and what He has said and is saying.

The word Now is present tense. Faith is always present tense. Faith is moving. The
question is how do you determine if it's foolish or presumptions?

1. Foolishness is acting out on complete stupidity or ignorance.

2. Presumption is assuming it will just happen. Nothing in life just happens.
There is a cause and effect. The bible tells us to count the cost; don't assume.

3. Faith is Forward in Action in Trusting Him. It's saying yes to what God has already
spoken. It's not assuming, but acting upon what God has already spoken for you to do.

If you have moved out in foolishness or presumption; simply ask God to forgive you.
He knows your heart and your intention. God has a way of working all things for our good.


Pastor Mark